Pyrdacor / Ambermoon-Advanced

First Ambermoon Extension
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[Feature Request] Add a Free Healer to Lyramion #25

Open macce2 opened 8 months ago

macce2 commented 8 months ago

You might end up into a situation that some member(-s) of your party are in need of cure but you don't have much gold left or the specific spells needed.

I think it would be vital to add a healer (one would be enough) that would heal your party without any fee, in an extreme situation.

Additionally, there seems to be no healer available on Morag. Could this be maybe changed..?!

Pyrdacor commented 8 months ago

There is a healer in Spannenberg but of course only at a later point in time. But you can only be poisoned on the first island which can be healed by potions.

Also I don't see the need on Morag as you can just travel back to Lyramion and fly to Newlake. But this might be possible.

In episode 4 I plan to add new things to Morag. A healer is part of it most likely.