Pyrdacor /

Ambermoon rewrite in C#
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[Brainstorming] Ideas for the first Ambermoon Mod #128

Open Pyrdacor opened 2 years ago

Pyrdacor commented 2 years ago

After the first release I would like to create a modification which can either be optionally activated in the options or selected as a Mod in the version selector.

This modification should improve the player's experience. So it might improve game balance, add helpful features, ease UI interaction, etc.

At this time I want to ask you all for your ideas. But to keep this clear please add only one answer! You can add your ideas as an enumeration (best with check boxes).

You can add these like this: - [ ] My first Idea - [ ] My second idea

If you change your mind or want to add more, just edit your answer. Don't create a new one.

We can gather cool ideas this way and add polls later to decide what should be implemented. And everybody can contribute.

The discussion about the ideas can be done later. This here is only for writing down ideas.

Pyrdacor commented 2 years ago

I'll start with my own ideas.


General improvements


To be continued ...

Uukrull commented 2 years ago
skdubg commented 2 years ago
Shinhobi commented 2 years ago

okay, let's go

Feel free to implement whatever you want and skip all the rest or not implement anything at all. I know it's a lot of ideas. I actually have more. ^_^

I wanted to add that I can take over tasks in enhancing Ambermoon such as rebalancing things or working out the details to (my) modding/update ideas.

siveon commented 2 years ago
a1exh commented 2 years ago
kermitfrog commented 2 years ago



Pyrdacor commented 2 years ago

Thanks for all your ideas so far.

Ambermoon Advanced might use some of them, but only those which can be integrated without changing the original's code (or at max by minimal changes to it).

But the other ideas will be considered as well as will extend the Amiga-compatible Mod by specific features/modifications that can only be implemented in but not in the original version.

On top of my own ideas I will create some polls and/or discussions soon where the whole community can vote for or against specific features/suggestions or where we even could work on ideas so that the result will be satisfying for most players. ;)

Talmit commented 2 years ago


Additional Dungeons:

Additional Items:

Balancing (General):

Balancing (Characters):

Balancing (Items):

Balancing (Magic):

lhz commented 2 years ago





MankiesWorkshop commented 2 years ago


It would be great when we could change the view of text. I mean this Font-style white text with grey shadows is hard to read over long texts on a modern led monitor. Maybe you can implement an option to switch off the shadows or make it more readable in another way... Hope you understand what i mean...



komposter64 commented 2 years ago

This would probably also need a rebalancing of early and mid game encounters to match a slower progression.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

I hope one of your later Ambermoon Advanced episodes expands the content on Morag. Morag - as is also mentioned in the walkthrough that you ship with the game - feels really rushed and is the only disappointment of Ambermoon. It seems the devs ran out of ideas/time/money. While Ambermoon is fun throughout, the fun abruptly stops on Morag. The player is punished with several penalties (no more automap, no illusion/trap detection, no ice spells) and the game difficulty jumps up. Other signs that Morag was not finished is that all Morag-items use the same sprites as existing items (Morag dart, Morag robe, Morag sword, Morag shield). At the very least, these items should get a different color palette, and best they should look exotic and interesting.

Games should not try to stop you from finishing them, they should entertain you - also in the endgame. That's the case throughout the game, except on Morag. The Morag adventure feels like a drag, as if the devs wanted to prevent the player from finishing the game. I spend some time thinking why that is. I think it is because there is no sense of progression anymore, since you barely get any useful treasure. The monsters/riddles are hard, but there are no new weapons to gain to make these fights easier. You can buy a few extra Morag darts, and you can find a single Morag sword. The Morag darts cannot be used by Fighters/Paladins and the Morag robes can only be used by pure magic classes. If you have a party with Egil and Gryban, you don't benefit. Morag darts should be usable by every class.

Pyrdacor commented 1 year ago

@HDembinski You are right. I already have some big plans for Morag. Beside your points I also dislike that the planet seems mostly empty. A few palaces and an almost empty town.

There will be much new things in episode 4. New quests, items, NPCs and places.

I also think they ran out of time or ideas there. They even reuse monsters from Lyramion. Maybe it was also a matter of disk space. Who knows.

kermitfrog commented 1 year ago

@HDembinski While I totally agree that Morag (especially the town) needs more content, I don't think that it's too hard -- you just missed a few possibilities ;)

but there are no new weapons to gain to make these fights easier. You can buy a few extra Morag darts, and you can find a single Morag sword.

The Morag sword, along with the armor and shield, can be duplicated so you can have as many as you want.

As for the enemies, I think that the magical guards are the biggest problem - and you already faced those on Lyramion.

With the right party composition and spell use, even a group of 3 Morag dragons can be beaten before they do any damage (well... in original Ambermoon at least - it seems they have some magic resistance now, so it does not work every time). Everything else does too little damage to be a real threat IMO.

Actually, now that the Magic Defense isn't bugged anymore, I'd rather buff the mosters.

Add an optional quest that allows one to re-enable the automap on Morag

I like that idea :). While I think there are ways too make a disabled automap part of an interesting riddle, I don't think that applies to the 7 castles. Bet maybe the quest to re-enable it might have such a riddle. Btw: In the original, it was possible to circumvent that limitation with certain mystic spells...

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

The Morag sword, along with the armor and shield, can be duplicated so you can have as many as you want.

That's fair, I did not think of that, but also in Ambermoon Advanced, the Duplicate Item spell is very expensive to learn if you don't have a pure Alchemist in the group.

As for the enemies, I think that the magical guards are the biggest problem - and you already faced those on Lyramion.

True, my main complaint is the lack of a sense of progression. In an RPG you expect that enemies you have faced in the past become easy at some point, but the magical guards do not really become easier.

It probably would be less noticable if there was more interesting stuff happening on Morag, besides raiding the council towers.

A fitting way to add more story to Morag and to breath more life into the Moranian people would be a quest in which you need to find and contact a rebel group that opposes the evil council members. They initially do not trust you, but eventually help you to overthrow the concil members after you gained their trust with some errands.

It would also be cool if we could learn more on Morag about the forgotten race that inhabited the forest moon. It seems like the Moranians learned a trick or two from that ancient race about combining magic with technology.

Pyrdacor commented 1 year ago

I like the idea about the rebel group. Desperation will logically lead to such things so I guess it really is fitting. I think I will integrate the idea into the stuff I already have planned.

HDembinski commented 1 year ago

Cool :) Btw, can you technically add new sprites for weapons to the game? I saw that you managed to add new sprites for monsters, so I assume it is possible.

I volunteer to redesign the sprites for Morag weapons (dart, robe, sword, ...). My main skill is software development, but I do art/design as a hobby. I am not an expert in creating pixel art, but I am confident that I can make something decent.

Pyrdacor commented 1 year ago

If you played the advanced version you should already have seen a lot of new item sprites, even weapons. The Flamberge for example is a new one.

Sure you can give it a try and I will use it if it's decent.