This should be a global wrapper of boolean inputs. Should be platform independent, implemented via SFML or the standard library. Having this polled in another thread should be fine.
Thread safe (mostly)
Either returns a struct of bools or modifies a pointer of said struct
Optional (but should be done):
Struct is only of Virtual Inputs
Config file is loaded to determine which real inputs correspond to each virtual input
Have alternate function which returns true if virtual input specified in argument is pressed.
This should be a global wrapper of boolean inputs. Should be platform independent, implemented via SFML or the standard library. Having this polled in another thread should be fine.
Requirements: Thread safe (mostly) Global Either returns a struct of bools or modifies a pointer of said struct
Optional (but should be done): Struct is only of Virtual Inputs Config file is loaded to determine which real inputs correspond to each virtual input Have alternate function which returns true if virtual input specified in argument is pressed.
Also: Joystick support?