Pyrrha-Platform / Pyrrha-Dashboard

This repository contains the next generation in-progress Pyrrha (created by Prometeo) solution dashboard based on the Carbon Design System and React.
Apache License 2.0
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Dashboard ReadMe Review #104

Open Aquijada52 opened 3 years ago

upkarlidder commented 3 years ago

The README right now assumes the reader is an intermediate developer and has a good understanding of how the project works. I propose adding more details to make the README more beginner-friendly. @krook feedback welcome.

  1. There are no instructions on adding APP ID credentials to Copy the instructions from OpenEEW repo to here.
  2. Add details to generate service credentials for App ID in the readme
  3. All file routes should be relative to the README file. So for example /api-main/.env.example should be pyrrha-dashboard/api-main/.env.example. Alternatively, the readme should ask the user to change to the pyrrha-dashboard directory.
  4. This assumes everything is running in a local development environment on a single localhost, if you are deploying the services separately, update the proxy and CORS settings in src/setupProxy.js: explain what the proxy does and why the user needs to update it when running each service separately.
  5. Run yarn install to pull in all required packages. where does the user run this command? This needs to be run in each of the directories; pyrrha-dashboard, and pyrrha-dashboard/api-auth
  6. There are a lot of steps in the following instruction:
    - Start the back-end Flask API services with the command in the `package.json` file set of NPM scripts, in this case `start-main-api`. This will launch a server on port 5000, proxied through the front end port 3000 for the `/api-main/v1/` path. If you 
    - haven't yet installed a Flask environment, run `python3 -m venv venv; . venv/bin/activate; pip install -r requirements.txt`. 
Divide into the following (need to test):
- cd into `pyrrha-dashboard/api-main`
- create the python virtual environment `python3 -m venv venv`
- activate the virtual environment `venv/bin/activate`
- install dependencies: `pip install -r requirements.txt`
- cd out to the main directory
- run `yarn run start-main-api`
7. The other steps can also be simplified similarly.
8. The following sections are not being used. I propose we remove from the readme and clean the code up later: