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[Bug]: New Claude Sonnet CodeMonkey describes every file in env #1031

Open cranyy opened 1 week ago

cranyy commented 1 week ago


VisualStudio Code extension

Operating System

Windows 10

What happened?

New claude sonnet actually does a great job cerating the projects, but it has a lot of issues with its formatting and decision making. It will sometime start describing everything redundantly if set as code monkey:

Code Monkey] Describing file env/share/jupyter/labextensions/jupyterlab-plotly/static/style.js ...

    "summary": "This file, 'style.js', is a generated file that is intended to contain CSS imports for the jupyterlab-plotly extension in JupyterLab. It is created by the @jupyterlab/builder during the Build.ensureAssets() process. However, the file is currently empty, containing only comments. The purpose of this file is to serve as a placeholder for CSS imports that may be added in the future to style the plotly extension in JupyterLab. The empty nature of the file suggests that either no custom styles are currently needed for the extension, or that styles are being managed through other means in the project.",
    "references": []
[Code Monkey]
[Code Monkey] Describing file env/share/jupyter/labextensions/jupyterlab-plotly/static/third-party-licenses.json ...

    "summary": "This file, named 'third-party-licenses.json', contains licensing information for third-party packages used in the jupyterlab-plotly extension for JupyterLab. It is a JSON file that lists four packages: css-loader, lodash, plotly.js, and style-loader. For each package, it provides the name, version information, license identifier (all are MIT in this case), and the full text of the license. This file serves as a centralized location for maintaining and displaying the licenses of dependencies, which is crucial for open-source software compliance. It allows users and developers to quickly access the licensing terms of the third-party components used in the project.",
    "references": []
[Code Monkey]
[Code Monkey] Describing file env/share/jupyter/nbextensions/jupyterlab-plotly/extension.js ...

    "summary": "This file is an entry point for a Jupyter notebook extension related to Plotly integration with JupyterLab. It defines a RequireJS module that configures the module loading for 'jupyterlab-plotly'. The file sets up a mapping in the RequireJS configuration to associate 'jupyterlab-plotly' with 'nbextensions/jupyterlab-plotly/index'. This allows other parts of the application to import the 'jupyterlab-plotly' module using this alias. The file also exports an empty 'load_ipython_extension' function, which is a standard hook for Jupyter notebook extensions. This function is called when the extension is loaded, but in this case, it doesn't perform any actions, suggesting that the actual functionality is implemented in the referenced 'index.js' file.",
    "references": [