Open exelents opened 2 months ago
I get the same error on Windows [Spec Writer] Do you accept these changes to the project specification?
yes [Pythagora] Stopping Pythagora due to error:
File core/cli/
, line 37, in run_project
success = await
File core/agents/
, line 67, in run
response = await
File core/agents/
, line 33, in run
return await self.update_spec(iteration_mode=True)
File core/agents/
, line 112, in update_spec
await self.ui.close_diff()
AttributeError: 'PlainConsoleUI' object has no attribute 'close_diff'
Exception ignored in: <function _ProactorBasePipeTransport.del at 0x000002074F60E320>
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "C:\Users\path\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 116, in del
File "C:\Users\path\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 108, in close
self._loop.call_soon(self._call_connection_lost, None)
File "C:\Users\path\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 745, in call_soon
File "C:\Users\path\AppData\Local\Programs\Python\Python310\lib\asyncio\", line 510, in _check_closed
raise RuntimeError('Event loop is closed')
RuntimeError: Event loop is closed
Getting the same error on Linux Fedora
I have found how to fix it:
async def close_diff(self):
To class PlainConsoleUI.
Seems this is some dummy methods, that are placeholders.
Could somebody make a MR to repo, please? :)
from core.agents.base import BaseAgent
from core.agents.convo import AgentConvo
from core.agents.response import AgentResponse, ResponseType
from core.config import SPEC_WRITER_AGENT_NAME
from core.db.models import Complexity
from core.db.models.project_state import IterationStatus
from core.llm.parser import StringParser
from core.log import get_logger
from core.telemetry import telemetry
from core.templates.example_project import (
# If the project description is less than this, perform an analysis using LLM
# URL to the wiki page with tips on how to write a good project description
SPEC_STEP_NAME = "Create specification"
log = get_logger(__name__)
class SpecWriter(BaseAgent):
agent_type = "spec-writer"
display_name = "Spec Writer"
async def run(self) -> AgentResponse:
current_iteration = self.current_state.current_iteration
if current_iteration is not None and current_iteration.get("status") == IterationStatus.NEW_FEATURE_REQUESTED:
return await self.update_spec(iteration_mode=True)
elif self.prev_response and self.prev_response.type == ResponseType.UPDATE_SPECIFICATION:
return await self.update_spec(iteration_mode=False)
return await self.initialize_spec()
async def initialize_spec(self) -> AgentResponse:
response = await self.ask_question(
"Describe your app in as much detail as possible",
# FIXME: must be lowercase becase VSCode doesn't recognize it otherwise. Needs a fix in the extension
"continue": "continue",
"example": "Start an example project",
"import": "Import an existing project",
if response.cancelled:
return AgentResponse.error(self, "No project description")
if response.button == "import":
return AgentResponse.import_project(self)
if response.button == "example":
await self.prepare_example_project(DEFAULT_EXAMPLE_PROJECT)
return AgentResponse.done(self)
elif response.button == "continue":
# FIXME: Workaround for the fact that VSCode "continue" button does
# nothing but repeat the question. We reproduce this bug for bug here.
return AgentResponse.done(self)
user_description = response.text.strip()
complexity = await self.check_prompt_complexity(user_description)
await telemetry.trace_code_event(
"initial_prompt": user_description,
"complexity": complexity,
reviewed_spec = user_description
if len(user_description) < ANALYZE_THRESHOLD and complexity != Complexity.SIMPLE:
initial_spec = await self.analyze_spec(user_description)
reviewed_spec = await self.review_spec(desc=user_description, spec=initial_spec)
self.next_state.specification = self.current_state.specification.clone()
self.next_state.specification.original_description = user_description
self.next_state.specification.description = reviewed_spec
self.next_state.specification.complexity = complexity
telemetry.set("initial_prompt", user_description)
telemetry.set("updated_prompt", reviewed_spec)
telemetry.set("is_complex_app", complexity != Complexity.SIMPLE)
self.next_state.action = SPEC_STEP_NAME
return AgentResponse.done(self)
async def update_spec(self, iteration_mode) -> AgentResponse:
if iteration_mode:
feature_description = self.current_state.current_iteration["user_feedback"]
feature_description =["description"]
await self.send_message(
f"Making the following changes to project specification:\n\n{feature_description}\n\nUpdated project specification:"
llm = self.get_llm(SPEC_WRITER_AGENT_NAME)
convo = AgentConvo(self).template("add_new_feature", feature_description=feature_description)
llm_response: str = await llm(convo, temperature=0, parser=StringParser())
updated_spec = llm_response.strip()
# Use a null-safe try-except block to handle the case where generate_diff or close_diff might not exist
await self.ui.generate_diff(self.current_state.specification.description, updated_spec)
except Exception as e:
log.warning(f"Error generating diff: {e}")
user_response = await self.ask_question(
"Do you accept these changes to the project specification?",
buttons={"yes": "Yes", "no": "No"},
# Replace close_diff with a null-safe alternative
await self.ui.close_diff()
except AttributeError:
log.warning("UI does not support close_diff method")
except Exception as e:
log.warning(f"Error closing diff: {e}")
if user_response.button == "yes":
self.next_state.specification = self.current_state.specification.clone()
self.next_state.specification.description = updated_spec
telemetry.set("updated_prompt", updated_spec)
if iteration_mode:
self.next_state.current_iteration["status"] = IterationStatus.FIND_SOLUTION
complexity = await self.check_prompt_complexity(user_response.text)
self.next_state.current_epic["complexity"] = complexity
return AgentResponse.done(self)
async def check_prompt_complexity(self, prompt: str) -> str:
await self.send_message("Checking the complexity of the prompt ...")
llm = self.get_llm(SPEC_WRITER_AGENT_NAME)
convo = AgentConvo(self).template("prompt_complexity", prompt=prompt)
llm_response: str = await llm(convo, temperature=0, parser=StringParser())
return llm_response.lower()
async def prepare_example_project(self, example_name: str):
example_description = EXAMPLE_PROJECTS[example_name]["description"].strip()
log.debug(f"Starting example project: {example_name}")
await self.send_message(f"Starting example project with description:\n\n{example_description}")
spec = self.current_state.specification.clone()
spec.example_project = example_name
spec.description = example_description
spec.complexity = EXAMPLE_PROJECTS[example_name]["complexity"]
self.next_state.specification = spec
telemetry.set("initial_prompt", spec.description)
telemetry.set("example_project", example_name)
telemetry.set("is_complex_app", spec.complexity != Complexity.SIMPLE)
async def analyze_spec(self, spec: str) -> str:
msg = (
"Your project description seems a bit short. "
"The better you can describe the project, the better GPT Pilot will understand what you'd like to build.\n\n"
f"Here are some tips on how to better describe the project: {INITIAL_PROJECT_HOWTO_URL}\n\n"
"Let's start by refining your project idea:"
await self.send_message(msg)
llm = self.get_llm(SPEC_WRITER_AGENT_NAME)
convo = AgentConvo(self).template("ask_questions").user(spec)
n_questions = 0
n_answers = 0
while True:
response: str = await llm(convo)
if len(response) > 500:
# The response is too long for it to be a question, assume it's the spec
confirm = await self.ask_question(
"Can we proceed with this project description? If so, just press ENTER. "
"Otherwise, please tell me what's missing or what you'd like to add."
buttons={"continue": "continue"},
if confirm.cancelled or confirm.button == "continue" or confirm.text == "":
await telemetry.trace_code_event(
"num_questions": n_questions,
"num_answers": n_answers,
"new_spec": spec,
return spec
n_questions += 1
user_response = await self.ask_question(
buttons={"skip": "Skip questions"},
if user_response.cancelled or user_response.button == "skip":
"This is enough clarification, you have all the information. "
"Please output the spec now, without additional comments or questions."
response: str = await llm(convo)
return response
n_answers += 1
async def review_spec(self, desc: str, spec: str) -> str:
convo = AgentConvo(self).template("review_spec", desc=desc, spec=spec)
llm = self.get_llm(SPEC_WRITER_AGENT_NAME)
llm_response: str = await llm(convo, temperature=0)
additional_info = llm_response.strip()
if additional_info and len(additional_info) > 6:
spec += "\n\nAdditional info/examples:\n\n" + additional_info
return spec
Command-line (Python) version
Operating System
Linux (other)
What happened?
When I try to run a project again, to add a new feature - I got an gpt-pilot crash.