PythonDataScience24 / Music-Player

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Song Class improvements and illegal upload of copyrighted material #3

Open M4anuel opened 1 month ago

M4anuel commented 1 month ago


An improvement to your Class Instead of having the class documentation tell you what datatypes the input should be, you could just type your inputs in the constructor: def __init__ (self, title, artist, genre, year, album, file_path, id = None): ...


becomes: def __init__ (self, title: str, artist: str, genre: str, year: int, album: str, file_path: str, id: int = None):...

This would improve the accessibility to use that class and make the brackets with type in the documentation redundant. Also move your class description into the constructor of the class so when a user creates a Song() object, they will see the documentation by hovering over it (with intellisense) improved

M4anuel commented 1 month ago

About the copyrighted material: Uploading, and thus sharing, copyrighted material is kind of illegal in Switzerland. Not that you will be prosecuted for this, but if you want, you can add the folder containing the copyrighted material to your .gitignore file. But this is just a suggestion, we don't do that either in our project.