PyvesB / advanced-achievements

:fireworks: Popular plugin that adds unique and challenging achievements to Minecraft servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
200 stars 214 forks source link

Achievements are lagging server #1003

Closed Teleriann closed 3 years ago

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

:beetle: Description

Server was running just fine, we are using achievements plugin for a longer time. But couple of days ago server started to experience lag spikes. Heavy lag spikes that tps went from 20 to 7 with 3-4seconds of lag spike. Of course that i have looked to server timings, and i found that achievements are causing unusual heavy server load. We have over 5000 achievements on our server, so we tried to reduce that to lower number, but it did not help. Iam reading our timings alot, to optimize our server performance, achievements always had like 2% of server performance, but right now, sometimes it hits 20%.

I have tried to put larger numbers in seconds to config to reduce the lag, but it did not help at all, i even tried to look for some pattern, when the server lag spikes, but it looks like that it is "random".

I will be glad for every piece of help that i could get, thank you. Also, im sorry for my english.

Timings for example: 1. 2.

:page_facing_up: Server logs

There are not any errors or anything like that in our console or logs, thats why i have problem to resolve that issue.

:wrench: Configuration

#       _       _                               _      _        _     _                                     _          #
#      / \   __| |_   ____ _ _ __   ___ ___  __| |    / \   ___| |__ (_) _____   _____ _ __ ___   ___ _ __ | |_ ___    #
#     / _ \ / _` \ \ / / _` | '_ \ / __/ _ \/ _` |   / _ \ / __| '_ \| |/ _ \ \ / / _ \ '_ ` _ \ / _ \ '_ \| __/ __|   #
#    / ___ \ (_| |\ V / (_| | | | | (_|  __/ (_| |  / ___ \ (__| | | | |  __/\ V /  __/ | | | | |  __/ | | | |_\__ \   #
#   /_/   \_\__,_| \_/ \__,_|_| |_|\___\___|\__,_| /_/   \_\___|_| |_|_|\___| \_/ \___|_| |_| |_|\___|_| |_|\__|___/   #
#                                                                                                                      #

# Only spaces, no tabs. Don't forget the indents (2 spaces per indentation level).
# To check syntax errors in your file, use:
# To get involved with the project, visit its GitHub:
# To get some valuable additional documentation, visit the Wiki:
# The default configuration files can be found at the following address:

#                                                   GENERAL SETTINGS                                                   #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                                Various settings to fine-tune the plugin's behaviour.                                 #

# Time in seconds between each /aach book. Ignored for players with achievement.* permission.
TimeBook: 900

# Sort pages of the book in chronological order (false for reverse chronological order).
BookChronologicalOrder: true

# Separator between name, description and date on an /aach book page.
BookSeparator: ""

# Activate firework effects when a player receives an achievement.
Firework: true

# Choose ball_large, ball, burst, creeper, star or random.
FireworkStyle: ball_large

# Activate simpler effects and a calm sound when a player receives an achievement. Ignored if Firework setting is true.
SimplifiedReception: false

# Number of players displayed in /aach top, week and month commands.
TopList: 5

# Activate particle effects when performing /aach book, /aach stats when all achievements have been received and
# /aach top, week or month when ranked in the top list.
AdditionalEffects: true

# Activate sounds when performing /aach book, /aach stats when all achievements have been received and  /aach top, week
# or month when ranked in the top list.
Sound: true

# For /aach book. All sound values can be found here:
SoundBook: entity_player_levelup

# For /aach stats when all achievements have been received.
SoundStats: entity_firework_rocket_blast

# For /aach top, week, month when ranked in the top list.
SoundRanking: entity_firework_rocket_blast

# Icon of the plugin (default: shamrock, \u2618).
Icon: CZS

# Main color of the plugin (default: 5, dark purple).
Color: 5

# Notify other connected players when an achievement is received. This defines the default behaviour, players can
# override what they see by using /aach toggle.
NotifyOtherPlayers: false

# Notify other connected players using action bars, otherwise chat messages are used.
ActionBarNotify: true

# Display achievement DisplayName and Message as screen titles. Minimum Minecraft version: 1.8.
TitleScreen: true

# Send informative chat messages to the player receiving an achievement.
ReceiverChatMessages: true

# When a player receives an achievement, the DisplayName, Message and rewards of the achievement are displayed in the
# chat as separate messages. If true, a single hoverable text will be displayed to the receiver instead.
HoverableReceiverChatText: true

# Format of the header used for most chat messages (default: "§7[%ICON%§7]"). Can be empty, "".
ChatHeader: "§7[%ICON%§7]"

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in creative mode, including PlayedTime. Connection achievements will only
# be handled once a player switches to a non-creative mode.
RestrictCreative: false

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in spectator mode, including PlayedTime. Connection achievements will only
# be handled once a player switches to a non-spectator mode. Minimum Minecraft version: 1.8.
RestrictSpectator: true

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in adventure mode, including PlayedTime. Connection achievements will only
# be handled once a player switches to a non-adventure mode.
RestrictAdventure: false

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in a specific world, including PlayedTime (delete the [] before listing
# values). Connection achievements will only be handled once a player enters a non-excluded world.
ExcludedWorlds: []
#  - yourWorld1
#  - yourWorld2

# Ignore vertical dimension (Y axis) when calculating distance statistics.
IgnoreVerticalDistance: false

# Do not take into account items broken with Silk Touch for the Breaks achievements.
DisableSilkTouchBreaks: false

# Do not take into account ores broken with Silk Touch for the Breaks achievements. DisableSilkTouchBreaks takes
# precedence over this. Not applicable to iron or gold ores.
DisableSilkTouchOreBreaks: false

# Language file to use. Available: lang.yml, lang-BP.yml, lang-CN.yml, lang-CZ.yml, lang-DA.yml, lang-DE.yml,
# lang-ES.yml, lang-FI.yml, lang-FR.yml, lang-HU.yml, lang-IT.yml, lang-PL.yml, lang-RO.yml, lang-RU.yml, lang-SE.yml,
# lang-SK.yml, lang-TR.yml, lang-TW.yml, lang-VN.yml
LanguageFileName: lang.yml

# Time in seconds between each statistic count. Only the listed categories are currently supported.
  LavaBuckets: 10
  WaterBuckets: 10
  Milk: 10
  Beds: 30
  Brewing: 5
  MusicDiscs: 30

# Display action bar message when player performs an action while in a cooldown period. Minimum Minecraft version: 1.8.
CooldownActionBar: true

# Locale used to format dates in /aach book and /aach list. You must select an ISO 639 language code. The list of
# possible language codes can be found at
DateLocale: cs

# Display reception time of achievements in /aach book and /aach list in addition to the date.
DateDisplayTime: true

# Check for update on plugin launch and notify when a player with achievement.update permission joins the game.
CheckForUpdate: true
# PlayedTime will no longer increase when the player is AFK. Requires Essentials to work.
IgnoreAFKPlayedTime: false

# Register advancements with a description corresponding to the Goal parameter of each achievement. If changed, run
# /aach generate to regenerate advancements with the new value taken into account. Minimum Minecraft version: 1.12.
RegisterAdvancementDescriptions: true

# Hide advancements from the advancement GUI. Advancement notifications will still appear when receiving achievements.
# Minimum Minecraft version: 1.12.
HideAdvancements: true

# Title shown on the root advancement.

# Background shown on the advancement tab. Must be a resource location to any image in a resource pack.
AdvancementsBackground: "minecraft:textures/item/book.png"

#                                                     GUI SETTINGS                                                     #
#                                                                                                                      #
#        Configure the behaviour of /aach list. The items being displayed can be further customised in gui.yml.        #

# Format of the achievement category name in /aach list (default: "%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%").
ListAchievementFormat: "%NAME%"

# Obfuscate achievements that have not yet been received in /aach list.
ObfuscateNotReceived: false

# For Multiple action achievement categories with a series of related achievements, show achievements that have been
# obtained and show the next obtainable achievement, but obfuscate the additional achievements. For example, under
# Places, stone, the first achievement could have a target of 100 stone, the second 500 stone, and the third 1000 stone.
# When ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements is true, initially only the 100 stone achievement will be readable in the GUI.
# Once 100 stone have been placed, the 500 stone achievement will become legible.
ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements: false

# Similar to ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements, but displays not received achievements as locked in /aach list.
HideProgressiveAchievements: false

# Hide categories for which a player has not yet received achievements by displaying them as locked in /aach list.
HideNotReceivedCategories: false

# Completely hide categories for which the player does not have the matching permission (e.g. achievement.count.beds).
HideNoPermissionCategories: false

# Hide the reward display in /aach list.
HideRewardDisplayInList: false

# Display precise statistic information in the /aach list progress bars.
EnrichedListProgressBars: true

# Annotate each achievement displayed in a /aach list category with a number.
NumberedItemsInList: false

# Color used for not yet received achievements in /aach list.
ListColorNotReceived: 8

# Italicise not yet received achievements in /aach list. Obfuscated achievements are not affected.
ListItaliciseNotReceived: true

# By default, the back button in the GUI returns to the listing of all categories. Use this option if you want to run a
# command instead. PLAYER placeholder is supported.
OverrideBackButtonBehaviour: ""

# If true, the icon of the back button in the GUI will be the same as the category currently being viewed.
BackButtonIsCategoryItem: true

#                                                  DATABASE SETTINGS                                                   #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                       The database is where all player statistics and achievements are stored.                       #

# Make a daily backup of your local database (if sqlite or h2).
DatabaseBackup: true

# Database type, sqlite, h2, postgresql or mysql. Do a full server restart for this to take effect.
DatabaseType: MySQL

# Prefix added to the tables in the database. If you switch from the default tables names (no prefix),
# the plugin will attempt an automatic renaming. Otherwise you have to rename your tables manually.
# Do a full server restart for this to take effect.
TablePrefix: ''

# Specify additional options when opening a connection to a MySQL/PostgreSQL database. Start each option with &,
# for instance "&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8". Make sure the key-value pairs themselves are URL encoded.
AdditionalConnectionOptions: '&autoReconnect=true&useSSL=false'

# Settings to connect to your MySQL/PostgreSQL database (ignored if sqlite).
# A PostgreSQL database address will be similar to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/minecraft

#                                                 PERFORMANCE SETTINGS                                                 #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                                    In most cases, you won't need to change these.                                    #

# Frequency of play time checks for players (seconds). Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
PlaytimeTaskInterval: 800

# Frequency of distance traveled checks by players (seconds). Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
DistanceTaskInterval: 180

# Enable if you use BungeeCord or if your database is shared by multiple servers. Do a full server restart.
BungeeMode: false
PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Hello @Teleriann ! 👋🏻

Sorry to hear this is not going smoothly.

Server was running just fine, we are using achievements plugin for a longer time. But couple of days ago server started to experience lag spikes.

What happened a couple of days ago? Did you update the plugin or its configuration? Did you install or update any other plugins? Did you upgrade or change anything else on your server?

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

We have updated lots of plugins 9 days ago, achievements with cmi, residence and along with others... We are updating our database version and things like that as soon as possible, so all of that "system" things on our dedicated servers too. When we updated the plugin, we let the plugin recreate its config and then we have put our achievements there, it was running all right. Aach plugin lags started like 2 days ago, players started to reporting issue with that lag spikes, so I have looked to timings and there it was. If I remember correctly, only thing related to minecraft, at the day when lag spikes occurred was installing dynmap plugin to our server. But i already tried to remove that plugin, and let server run without it, but there was no difference in performance, so thats probably not it.

There you have timings from just now: It is not that high right now, because lag spike happened just for like 4 times in that 4 minutes. Like i said, i do not understand, why it is just that random, I have opened console on one monitor, then server tps with minecraft on other one. I it interesting that even when some players gets lots of achievements at the same time, it is running all right, but then at one random moment when there is not happening anything about aach at all, it just lag spikes.

And of course i tried to remove aach plugin, without it there were not any lag spikes at all. And again, sorry for my terrible english.

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

We are updating our database version and things like that as soon as possible, so all of that "system" things on our dedicated servers too

Did this happen by any chance a couple of days ago?

Could you share a little more about your configuration? Based on the latest timing report, it's somewhat bizarre that Crafts achievements have such a big performance hit, but on the other hand Kills, Places and Breaks have almost negligible impact. Underneath the hood, whether it be in the database structure or the actual listener code, all four categories are very similar. I'm surprised there is a gap off several orders of magnitude on average - either there's something peculiar in the config, either a lot of different players are performing craft actions, whereas all the kills, places and breaks are performed by only a few different players.

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

We have updated our debian 6 days ago, nothing else really.

Btw, our server specs are: Intel® Core™ i9-9900K DDR4 RAM Nvme ssd 1 GBit/s connection

I can send you whole aach configuration with achievements in some private message if needed. If that would help.

There are our plugins, that might help too. plgns

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

I can send you whole aach configuration with achievements in some private message if needed

That may be useful. Send it by mail, you can find it on my GitHub profile.

There are our plugins, that might help too.

Out of fascination, do the lags happen if you disable all other plugins? This may be useful to tests, though admittedly a little impractical. :)

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

So, I sent you our whole config through email. Also, I can try today to stay up late, and wait for player count to be low, and then examine whether the lag spikes will be smaller, or maybe not at all. Then, if there will be, even if "there are not players on server", I will disable all plugins to see if it will stop.

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

So, when there is low player count on the server, lag spikes are almost not visible at all. But when I open timings, most of the times there are still aach taking most of the server performance. More players = bigger lag spikes. or probably more noticable ones. But it gets interesting when player count is reaching 10 to 0 players. There are not lag spikes at all, or anything like that, not even in timings. So it is probably something related to some player data, and that is causing that lag spikes. Im sure that you will understand it better than me.

Thank you for your help, i will be glad for any suggestions.

There are some timings with lower player count: Timings with player count close to 0:

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

I had a look at your config. One thing that I noticed is that some achievement Name parameters are really long, for example: places_10000_white_wool|orange_wool|red_wool|magenta_wool|light_blue_wool|yellow_wool|lime_wool|pink_wool|gray_wool|light_gray_wool|cyan_wool|purple_wool|blue_wool|brown_wool|green_wool|black_wool

Do they actually work? I would expect an error to be thrown in the console, there's a 64 character limit in their name imposed in the database:

However, I don't think this would explain any of the performance problems.

Looking at the lastest timing (, I noticed there was exactly one instance of ConnectionsListener in that timeframe. Could you tell me a little more about the player who connected at that time? Was it their first connection during the day, or had they already connected previously?

I also noticed that some of the other plugins had quite high resource usage in that timing extract. Do those other top plugins also happen to use MySQL? If so, did you notice them slow down in the past few days, compared to a few weeks ago for example?

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

So, yes, they do work, we had some problems with that ones, but we have manually changed character length in database, so they work just fine.

About that timing and players, 2 players have connected during that timings period, one of them was already on the server before, like couple of minutes ago, and sent 2000 messages/commands to the chat. Second one have connected for the first time during that day.

And for that other plugins not really, everything is normal, you are probably pointing to leaderheads, we are using that plugin for couple of years, yes, it is connected to the database. But its behaviour has not changed at all, during the day, it is not that visible in timings, but when there are no players, and "nothing" is happening on the server, then it will pop up, of course that it is taking some server performance too, but there are not any lag spikes or anything like that related to other plugins.

When im looking at timings right now, it is quite all right, server is not really lagging, i do not understand it:

Im once again sorry for my english, I hope that you understand everything.

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

About that timing and players, 2 players have connected during that timings period, one of them was already on the server before, like couple of minutes ago, and sent 2000 messages/commands to the chat. Second one have connected for the first time during that day.

Are you sure about that? The timings indicates only one count of ConnectionsListener, that should correspond to only one player.

When im looking at timings right now, it is quite all right, server is not really lagging, i do not understand it

Advanced Achievements caches a lot of what it reads from the database. If the same players stay connected for a long time, you'll get a lot of cache hits, speeding things up. If there's a big player turnover, then that means the plugin needs to go back to the database a lot more often.

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Yes, about that connections, im pretty sure.

Right now, there are 120 players online, and aach have 7% in timings, second one is cmi with 1.3%. It is lagging, but not that much. I had one more idea, we will try to move some things from our database to another database server, so there will be less data, I do not think that it will solve problems with lag spikes, but I'll give it a chance. aapop

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

I had one more idea, we will try to move some things from our database to another database server, so there will be less data

Okay, let me know how that goes.

In the meantime, a few other questions to get a better understanding:

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Right now we are using 10.3.27-MariaDB, but we will be updating soon. Our localhost is local right now. No, we are not sharing it between multiple servers, each server has own achievements.

Btw, look at this timings, thats horrible:

Sorry for delayed answer, we tried some tests with aach, but nothing really helped. Thanks for your help.

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

If each server has its own achievements and aren't sharing, is there any specific reason why you chose MySQL? I would expect MySQL/MariaDB to be the slowest of all four database types supported by Advanced Achievements, with the default H2 probably the fastest in most cases.

If you want to stick with the current database, it would be good to give the 10.5.x MariaDB series a go, that may well help.

Based on some of the timings you provided, I have a few ideas to improve performance a little. Will try to work on them this week. I don't expect a miracle, database reads are regularly taking over 100ms each on your server, but it should help a little. Stay tuned!

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Sure, thank you very much. We are used to use MySQL for all plugins that support this feature, we are kinda used to it, work with data/edit them etc... in phpmyadmin. But if it would help to heavily reduce lags from aach, we can try it.

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Also, i do not really work with this, whats the best way to transfer data from our mysql to h2 or just basic sql?

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

I've never done the conversion myself, but a SQL dump may be a good starting point. Alternatively, these resources may help:

As you'll notice from the above commit references, I'm also pushing some small performance improvements under this issue. Will aim at testing and releasing later this week.

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Just to be sure, we are using premium aach plugin from spigot, i should just download it from github now? I know that you have that plugin in some other version for free too. Thanks and sorry for stupid question.

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

I recommend only downloading the releases from Spigot, as you've been doing until now.

If you're feeling adventurous, you can recompile the source code on GitHub yourself, but it's a bit of extra effort, and there is no guarantee that the code you'll compile has yet been fully tested. Use with care if you decide to do so, you'll effectively become a beta/alpha tester! 😉

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Release 7.0.4 is available for download. Again, I'm not expecting a miracle, but it should help with performance a bit. In particular, ConnectionsListener shouldn't be as bad as in some of the timings you have shared so far.

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

It is still not perfect, but it is much much better. Thank you very much for your support, here are some screenshots too, i have also set distance and onlinetime checking to once per 30minutes, so that probably helped too.

Thank you for your support once again.

czs2 czs1

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Ok so, it is not as good as in morning, when server is in prime time, lots of players are connecting or disconnecting, more players are online so probably because of that it runs poorly.

7% is quite too much, compared to other plugins that have around 1%, but it is still better than 30% tho pop

Also, there is one more thing I just wanted to ask, how much time should aach take to load on server start? It is usually around 2 minutes, second most time consuming plugin to load is residence that takes around 15seconds. It is not that important, it is just server restart at 4am no one cares about that, but sometimes quite annoying when I need server restart around prime time.

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. Glad to here that the work has paid off and that things have improved a little.

Also, there is one more thing I just wanted to ask, how much time should aach take to load on server start? It is usually around 2 minutes, second most time consuming plugin to load is residence that takes around 15seconds. It is not that important, it is just server restart at 4am no one cares about that, but sometimes quite annoying when I need server restart around prime time.

That's a really useful observation! I had only read through the config you sent by mail and hadn't actually tried it on my own server. The plugin normally takes at most a few seconds to launch, and with your config, it takes 5 minutes on my laptop!

The step which seems to be ridiculously slow is Registering permissions.... Is this consistent with the behaviour you observe on your server? That step has got nothing to do with the database. It goes through all achievement names, and registers one permission for each one of them. The code is really simple, even someone who isn't familiar with programming could make sense of it:

Permission achievementParent = new Permission("achievement.*", PermissionDefault.OP);
for (String name : achievementMap.getAllNames()) {
    String permissionNode = "achievement." + name;
    if (pluginManager.getPermission(permissionNode) == null) {
        Permission perm = new Permission(permissionNode, PermissionDefault.TRUE);
        perm.addParent(achievementParent, true);

I've done a bit of micro-benchmarking: adding the first few permissions is fast, addParent takes ~2ms and addPermission takes ~1ms on my machine. When you reach the 5000th permission, things has dramatically slowed down: those calls take ~80ms and ~55ms respectively. Spigot/Bukkit's permissions system does not scale very well, taking over 0.1s to register a single new permission with a parent is not acceptable.

Given the above analysis, I'm no longer sure the database is actually the root cause of the slowness. Could you please install the Spark plugin, run /spark profiler for a few minutes when the server is having trouble, and share the resulting link here?

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Sure, i will tomorrow, right now only 60 players are online, and server is running smoothly. We have spark already installed, we are using it for things like that or heap dumps.

Thanks for your support <3 .

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Based on some further analysis of your timings, I've pushed a couple of commits that should help out a little more - again no miracles to expect.

I've also raised a Spigot bug to flag the performance issue with the permissions system. Feel free to upvote it or add any information that you think may be useful. 😉

Teleriann commented 3 years ago

Once again, thanks for help. So, there are two spark profiles as you requested: 1.


Im not really familiar with spark profiles, so you will know better. Server was not having trouble really tho, it has around 19 TPS. But there were some drops, so there might be something useful. That profiles are made on latest spigot version, without these last optimizations. And again, im sorry for my english, i hope that you can understand everything.

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Thanks for sharing the profiles. They confirm some of the previous analysis. As the next steps, I suggest:

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

And again, im sorry for my english, i hope that you can understand everything.

No worries, I'm not had any trouble understanding so far. 😉

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Version 7.0.5 has been released, you can progress the first bullet point from

PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Haven't heard back for a while, so I'll assume things are good enough in the latest releases or that you're still waiting to carry out the MariaDB refresh. Will close for now.

Thanks for the great interactions on this issue! 😉