Closed KaspianDev closed 5 years ago
Hello @kacperleague9,
Please share your configuration and some indication on how to reproduce the issue. 😉
# I---------------------------------------------------------I #
# | Advanced Achievements 5.12.4 configuration - Readme | #
# 1---------------------------------------------------------1 #
# Only spaces, NO tabs. Don't forget the indents (2 spaces per indentation level).
# To check syntax errors in your file, use:
# Default config:
# If you want to help the project, feel free to check our GitHub:
# Visit the wiki for some valuable additional documentation:
# For donations use:
# II-------------------------------------------------------II #
# | General settings | #
# 2---------------------------------------------------------2 #
# Time in seconds between each /aach book (unless user has permission achievement.*).
TimeBook: 900
# Check for update on plugin launch and notify when an OP joins the game.
CheckForUpdate: true
# Set to true to activate firework effects when a player receives an achievement.
Firework: true
# Choose ball_large, ball, burst, creeper, star or random.
FireworkStyle: ball_large
# Set to true to activate simpler effects and a calm sound when a player receives an achievement.
# Ignored if Firework setting is set to true.
SimplifiedReception: false
# Number of players displayed in /aach top, week and month commands.
TopList: 5
# Set to true to activate particle effects when performing /aach book, /aach stats with all achievements and
# /aach top, week or month when ranked in the top list.
AdditionalEffects: true
# Set to true to activate sounds when performing /aach book, /aach stats with all achievements and /aach top,
# week or month when ranked in the top list.
Sound: true
# For /aach book. Possible values:
SoundBook: entity_player_levelup
# For /aach stats with all achievements. Possible values:
SoundStats: entity_firework_rocket_blast
# For /aach top, week, month when ranked in the top list. Possible values:
SoundRanking: entity_firework_rocket_blast
# Set the icon of the plugin (default: shamrock, \u2618).
Icon: \u2618
# Set the color of the plugin (default: 5, dark purple).
Color: 5
# Notify other connected players when an achievement is received.
# This defines the default behaviour, a player can override what he sees by using /aach toggle.
NotifyOtherPlayers: false
# When NotifyOtherPlayers is enabled, notifications are done using action bars when ActionBarNotify is true.
# When ActionBarNotify is false, chat messages are used.
ActionBarNotify: true
# Display achievement DisplayName and Message as screen titles. Ignored if using Minecraft 1.7.9 or 1.7.10.
TitleScreen: true
# When a player receives an achievement, the DisplayName, Message and rewards of the achievement are displayed in
# the chat. If HoverableReceiverChatText is true, a single hoverable text will be displayed to the receiver.
# Otherwise texts will be displayed one after the other.
HoverableReceiverChatText: false
# Separator between name, description and date on a book page.
BookSeparator: ''
# Set the format of the achievement name in /aach list (default: "%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%").
ListAchievementFormat: '%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%'
# Set the format of the header used for most chat messages (default: "§7[%ICON%§7]").
ChatHeader: §7[%ICON%§7]
# Stop all stats from increasing when player in creative mode, including PlayedTime.
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player switches to a non-creative mode.
RestrictCreative: false
# Stop all stats from increasing when player in spectator mode, including PlayedTime.
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player switches to a non-spectator mode.
# No effect if using Minecraft 1.7.9 or 1.7.10.
RestrictSpectator: true
# Stop all stats from increasing when player in adventure mode, including PlayedTime.
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player switches to a non-adventure mode.
RestrictAdventure: false
# Stop all stats from increasing when player in a specific world, including PlayedTime (delete the [] before adding values).
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player enters a non-excluded world.
ExcludedWorlds: []
# - yourWorld1
# - yourWorld2
# Ignore vertical dimension (Y axis) when calculating distance statistics.
IgnoreVerticalDistance: false
# Don't show these categories in the achievement GUI or in the stats output (delete the [] before adding values).
# Also prevent obtaining achievements for these categories and prevent stats from increasing.
- PetMasterGive
- PetMasterReceive
- Custom
- Commands
- Treasures
- ItemBreaks
- Shear
- LavaBuckets
- Beds
- ItemDrops
- ItemPickups
- Fertilising
- Taming
- Brewing
- Fireworks
- MusicDiscs
- EnderPearls
- Smelting
- DistancePig
- DistanceHorse
- DistanceMinecart
- DistanceBoat
- DistanceGliding
- DistanceLlama
- RaidsWon
- Riptides
# - PetMasterGive
# - PetMasterReceive
# - DistanceLlama
# - DistanceGliding
# Obfuscate achievements that have not yet been received in /aach list.
ObfuscateNotReceived: false
# For categories with a series of related achievements where the only thing changing is the number of times
# the event has occurred, show achievements that have been obtained and show the next obtainable achievement,
# but obfuscate the additional achievements. For example, under Places, stone, the first achievement could have a
# target of 100 stone, the second 500 stone, and the third 1000 stone. When ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements
# is true, initially only the 100 stone achievement will be readable in the GUI. Once 100 stone have been placed,
# the 500 stone achievement will become legible.
ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements: false
# Hide categories for which a player has not yet received achievements by marking them as locked in /aach list.
HideNotReceivedCategories: false
# Completely hide categories for which the player does not have the corresponding count permissions.
HideNoPermissionCategories: false
# Hide the reward display in /aach list.
HideRewardDisplayInList: false
# Display precise statistic information in the /aach list progress bars.
EnrichedListProgressBars: true
# Annotate each achievement displayed in a /aach list category with a number.
NumberedItemsInList: false
# Color used for Goals and progress bars in /aach list when an achievement is not yet received.
ListColorNotReceived: f
# Sort pages of the book in chronological order (false for reverse chronological order).
BookChronologicalOrder: true
# Do not take into account items broken with Silk Touch for the Breaks achievements.
DisableSilkTouchBreaks: false
# Do not take into account ores broken with Silk Touch for the Breaks achievements.
# DisableSilkTouchBreaks takes precedence over this. Not applicable to iron or gold ores.
DisableSilkTouchOreBreaks: false
# Language file to use. Available: lang.yml, lang-BP.yml, lang-CN.yml, lang-CZ.yml, lang-DE.yml, lang-ES.yml, lang-FI.yml
# lang-FR.yml, lang-HU.yml, lang-IT.yml, lang-PL.yml, lang-RO.yml, lang-RU.yml, lang-SE.yml, lang-TR.yml, lang-TW.yml, lang-VN.yml
LanguageFileName: lang.yml
# Time in seconds between each statistic count. Only the listed categories are currently supported.
LavaBuckets: 10
WaterBuckets: 10
Milk: 10
Beds: 30
Brewing: 5
MusicDiscs: 30
# Display action bar message when player performs an action while in the cooldown period.
# No effect if using Minecraft 1.7.9 or 1.7.10.
CooldownActionBar: true
# Locale used to format dates in /aach book and /aach list. You must select an ISO 639 language code.
# The list of possible language codes can be found at
DateLocale: pl
# Display reception time of achievements in /aach book and /aach list in addition to the date. For achievements
# received in plugin versions prior to 3.0, the precise time information is not available and will be displayed as midnight.
DateDisplayTime: true
# Register advancements with a description corresponding to the Goal parameter of each achievement.
# If changed, run /aach generate to regenerate advancements with the new parameter value taken into account.
# No effect if using Minecraft versions prior to 1.12.
RegisterAdvancementDescriptions: false
# If true, hide advancements from the advancement GUI. Advancement notifications will still appear when receiving achievements.
# No effect if using Minecraft versions prior to 1.12.
HideAdvancements: false
# If true, PlayedTime will no longer increase when the player is AFK. Requires Essentials to work.
IgnoreAFKPlayedTime: false
# Awarded when a player has received all the achievements. Use the same reward pattern as with achievements.
# See
IncreaseMaxOxygen: 30
MaxHealth: 1
Money: 10000
# Title shown on the root advancement.
RootAdvancementTitle: Advanced Achievements
# Background shown on the Advanced Achievements advancement tab.
# Must be a resource location to any image in a resource pack.
AdvancementsBackground: minecraft:textures/item/book.png
# III-----------------------------------------------------III #
# | Database settings | #
# 3---------------------------------------------------------3 #
# Make a daily backup of your local database (if sqlite or h2).
DatabaseBackup: true
# Database type, sqlite, h2, postgresql or mysql. Do a full server restart for this to take effect.
DatabaseType: sqlite
# Prefix added to the tables in the database. If you switch from the default tables names (no prefix),
# the plugin will attempt an automatic renaming. Otherwise you have to rename your tables manually.
# Do a full server restart for this to take effect.
TablePrefix: ''
# Specify additional options when opening a connection to a MySQL/PostgreSQL database. Start each option with &,
# for instance "&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8". Make sure the key-value pairs themselves are URL encoded.
AdditionalConnectionOptions: ''
# Settings to connect to your MySQL/PostgreSQL database (ignored if sqlite).
# A PostgreSQL database address will be similar to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/minecraft
DatabaseAddress: csrv_665089
DatabaseUser: csrv_665089
DatabasePassword: 19f91de65fbb7f6a6a25
# IV-------------------------------------------------------IV #
# | Performance settings | #
# | Change only if you are an experienced user | #
# 4---------------------------------------------------------4 #
# Frequency of play time checks for players (seconds). Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
PlaytimeTaskInterval: 60
# Calculates distance traveled by players (seconds). Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
DistanceTaskInterval: 5
# Frequency of some statistics writes to the database (seconds). Do a full server restart, and not just /aach reload.
PooledRequestsTaskInterval: 10
# V---------------------------------------------------------V #
# | Multiple action achievements | #
# | These require sub-categories and thresholds | #
# 5---------------------------------------------------------5 #
# When a specific block is placed (available names:
Goal: Postaw 5 skrzynek.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: place_5_chest
DisplayName: §eMlody Magazynier
Money: 10
Goal: Postaw 50 skrzynek.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: place_50_chest
DisplayName: §eMagazynier
Money: 50
Goal: Postaw 100 kamienia.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: place_100_stone
DisplayName: §ePoczatkujacy ~Kamieniarz~
Money: 10
Goal: Postaw 1000 kamienia.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: place_1000_stone
DisplayName: §eZaawansowany ~Kamieniarz~
Money: 50
Goal: Postaw 10000 kamienia.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: place_10000_stone
DisplayName: §eMistrz Kamienia
Money: 300
# When a specific block is broken (available names:
# You can use notations such as sand:1 for pre-1.13 versions, which means sand item with metadata 1 (red sand).
Goal: Rozwal 10 blokow lodu.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: break_10_ice
DisplayName: §eChlodny Napoj
Money: 100
Goal: Rozwal 32 sniegu lub lodu.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: break_32_ice_any
DisplayName: §eLato !
Money: 50
Goal: Rozwal 100 kamienia.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: break_1_stone
DisplayName: §eKamienie Na Szaniec!
Money: 20
# When "something" is killed. You can use any of the following:
# - an entity type (available names:
# - poweredcreeper.
# - a mob's custom name (name tag/plugins such as Mythic Mobs).
# - player to track player kills as a whole.
# - specificplayer- followed by player UUID to track how many times a specific player has been killed.
Goal: Zabij 10 zombie.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: kills_1_zombie
DisplayName: §eThe Walking Dead
Money: 50
Goal: Zabij creepera.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: kills_1_creeper
DisplayName: §aAww Man !
Money: 50
Goal: Zabij Kacpra :O.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: kills_1_darkpyves
DisplayName: §eOOF ADMINKU
Money: 500
# When a specific target is shot (but not necessarily killed) with a projectile.
# Available target block names:
# Available target entity names:
Goal: Rzuc 10 itemami w wiesnaikow.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: targetsshot_10_villager
DisplayName: §eHuaaa
Money: 100
Goal: Strzel w 100 okien.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: targetsshot_100_glass
DisplayName: §eWindows XP
Money: 150
# When a specific item is crafted (available names:
Goal: Stworz diamentowy miecz.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: craft_1_blade
DisplayName: §eKowal I
Money: 100
# When a player enters a specific command (specify command prefixes in lower case without initial slash).
# For instance a command /awf add world from the AntiWorldFly plugin matches with subcategory 'awf add'.
# Aliases of a given command will also be taken into account.
Goal: Przeteleportuj sie na wyspe 10 razy.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: playercommand_aachstats_10
DisplayName: §eMatematyk
Money: 50
# When animals breed (available names:
Goal: Rozmnoz Owce.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: breeding_1_sheep
DisplayName: §eWiecej !
Money: 100
# VI-------------------------------------------------------VI #
# | Normal action achievements | #
# | These are based on thresholds only | #
# 6---------------------------------------------------------6 #
# When a player connects during the day; statistic increases at most once per day.
Message: Witamy na serwerze!
Name: connect_1
DisplayName: §eDobry Wybor
Money: 100
# When the player dies.
Goal: Zgin pierwszy raz.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: deaths_1
DisplayName: §eR.I.P
Money: 50
Goal: Zgin 10 razy.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: deaths_10
DisplayName: §eBruh
Money: 150
# When an arrow is shot.
Goal: Wystrzel 50 strzal.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: arrows_50
DisplayName: §eKrzycze Eooo
Money: 100
# When a snowball is thrown.
Goal: Rzuc 1000 sniezek.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: snowballs_1000
DisplayName: §eZimowa Zabawa
Money: 200
# When an egg is thrown.
Goal: Wyrzuc 100 jajek.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: eggs_1000
DisplayName: §eOmlet !
Money: 100
# When a fish is caught.
Goal: Zlow rybe.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: fish_1
DisplayName: §eSushi :O
Money: 50
# When a treasure is caught with a fishing rod.
# When a tool/armor/weapon is broken.
# When an item is eaten (excludes potions and milk).
Goal: Zjedz cos.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: eatenitems_1
DisplayName: §eMniam
Money: 50
# When a sheep is sheared.
# When a cow is milked.
Goal: Wydoj krowe.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: milk_1
DisplayName: §eMleczko !
Money: 50
# When a bucket is filled with lava.
# When a bucket is filled with water.
Goal: Wypelnij 15 wiader woda.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: waterbuckets_15
DisplayName: §eStrazak
Money: 200
# When a trade with a villager is made.
Goal: Wymien sie z wiesniakiem.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: trades_1
DisplayName: §eStonks
Money: 100
# When an anvil is used.
Goal: Napraw przedmiot.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: anvilsused_1
DisplayName: §ePierwsza Naprawa
Money: 50
# When an enchantment is performed.
Goal: Zaklnij 5 rzeczy.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: enchantments_5
DisplayName: §eCzarodziej
Money: 100
# When a bed is entered.
# Maximum level reached.
Goal: Zdobadz 10 poziom.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: maxlevel_10
DisplayName: §eAmator
Money: 100
# When a potion is consumed.
Goal: Wypij 100 mikstur.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: consumedpotions_100
DisplayName: §ePijak
Money: 500
# Amount of time played on the server (in hours, use integers).
Goal: Graj godzine.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: playedtime_1
DisplayName: §ePierwsza Godzina
Money: 200
# When a distance is traveled by foot.
Goal: Przejdz kilometr.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: distancefoot_1000
DisplayName: §eBoso Przez Swiat
Money: 100
# When a distance is traveled on a pig.
# When a distance is traveled on a horse.
# When a distance is traveled in a minecart.
# When a distance is traveled in a boat.
# When a distance is traveled with elytra.
# Ignored on Minecraft versions prior to 1.9.
# When a distance is traveled on a llama.
# Ignored on Minecraft versions prior to 1.11.
# When an item is dropped on the ground.
# When an item is picked up from the ground.
# When soil is plowed with a hoe.
Goal: Zaoraj ziemie 100 razy.
Message: Udalo ci sie zdobyc osiagniecie!
Name: hoeplowings_100
DisplayName: §eFarmer
Item: Emerald 1 §6Adventure Coin
Money: 50
# When bone meal is used to fertilise plants.
# When an animal is tamed.
# When a potion is brewed.
# When a firework is launched.
# When a music disc is played.
# When a player teleports with an enderpearl.
# When a player gives a pet to another player (requires Pet Master plugin version 1.4 or above).
# When a player receives a pet from another player (requires Pet Master plugin version 1.4 or above).
# When an item is smelt in a furnace.
# VII-----------------------------------------------------VII #
# | Command-based achievements | #
# 7---------------------------------------------------------7 #
# Allow Commands achievement to be awarded several times.
MultiCommand: false
# A player with achievement.give (or the console) can use /aach give yourAch1 PLAYER to give
# yourAch1 achievement to PLAYER. The /aach give command does NOT work with other achievements.
# When the command /aach add is called for this category.
# VIII-------------------------0-------------------------VIII #
# | Parameters in future plugin versions will appear here | #
# 8----------------------------0----------------------------8 #
#When a player gives a pet to another player (requires PetMaster plugin version 1.3 or above).
PetMasterGive: {}
#When a player receives a pet from another player (requires PetMaster plugin version 1.3 or above).
PetMasterReceive: {}
#When the command /aach add is called for this category.
Custom: {}
#/aach give yourAch1 PLAYER can be used to give the yourAch1 achievement to PLAYER.
Commands: {}
#When a treasure is caught with a fishing rod.
Treasures: {}
#When a tool/armor/weapon is broken.
ItemBreaks: {}
#When a sheep is sheared.
Shear: {}
#When a bucket is filled with lava.
LavaBuckets: {}
#When a bed is entered.
Beds: {}
#When an item is dropped on the ground.
ItemDrops: {}
#When an item is picked up from the ground.
ItemPickups: {}
#When bone meal is used to fertilise plants.
Fertilising: {}
#When an animal is tamed.
Taming: {}
#When a potion is brewed.
Brewing: {}
#When a firework is launched.
Fireworks: {}
#When a music disc is played.
MusicDiscs: {}
#When a player teleports with an enderpearl.
EnderPearls: {}
#When an item is smelt in a furnace.
Smelting: {}
#When a distance is traveled on a pig.
DistancePig: {}
#When a distance is traveled on a horse.
DistanceHorse: {}
#When a distance is traveled in a minecart.
DistanceMinecart: {}
#When a distance is traveled in a boat.
DistanceBoat: {}
#When a distance is traveled with elytra.
DistanceGliding: {}
#When a distance is traveled on a llama.
DistanceLlama: {}
#When a raid is won.
RaidsWon: {}
#When riptide is used with a trident
Riptides: {}
can you help?
This seems to be a duplicate of #605. Please try out the test version attached to that issue, it should solve your issues. 👍