PyvesB / advanced-achievements

:fireworks: Popular plugin that adds unique and challenging achievements to Minecraft servers.
GNU General Public License v3.0
199 stars 215 forks source link

Hide OP/mod/admin on /aach top #955

Closed farum12 closed 3 years ago

farum12 commented 3 years ago

:information_source: Basic information

:question: Help request

Hello! Is there any option to hide OP/Admin on /aach top? Most preferably using permission system? Due to fact that I'll mostly use your wonderful plugin for 'Commands' category achievements, I need to verify almost every achievement I'm creating (giving achievements to the players via CommandButton and TreasureChest). Therefore, I'm appearing as Top 1 in stats, where I feel that I shouldn't as entire achevement-competition should be only for players on my server.

Thanks in advance!

:wrench: Configuration

# I---------------------------------------------------------I #
# |   Advanced Achievements 6.7.2 configuration - Readme   | #
# 1---------------------------------------------------------1 #

# Only spaces, NO tabs. Don't forget the indents (2 spaces per indentation level).
# To check syntax errors in your file, use:
# Default config:
# If you want to help the project, feel free to check our GitHub:
# Visit the wiki for some valuable additional documentation:
# For donations use:

# II-------------------------------------------------------II #
# |                    General  settings                    | #
# 2---------------------------------------------------------2 #

# Time in seconds between each /aach book (unless user has permission achievement.*).
TimeBook: 900

# Check for update on plugin launch and notify when an OP joins the game.
CheckForUpdate: true

# Set to true to activate firework effects when a player receives an achievement.
Firework: false

# Choose ball_large, ball, burst, creeper, star or random.
FireworkStyle: ball_large

# Set to true to activate simpler effects and a calm sound when a player receives an achievement.
# Ignored if Firework setting is set to true.
SimplifiedReception: true

# Number of players displayed in /aach top, week and month commands.
TopList: 10

# Set to true to activate particle effects when performing /aach book, /aach stats with all achievements and
# /aach top, week or month when ranked in the top list.
AdditionalEffects: false

# Set to true to activate sounds when performing /aach book, /aach stats with all achievements and /aach top,
# week or month when ranked in the top list.
Sound: true

# For /aach book. Possible values:
SoundBook: entity_player_levelup

# For /aach stats with all achievements. Possible values:
SoundStats: entity_firework_rocket_blast

# For /aach top, week, month when ranked in the top list. Possible values:
SoundRanking: entity_firework_rocket_blast

# Set the icon of the plugin (default: shamrock, \u2618).
Icon: \u2618

# Set the color of the plugin (default: 5, dark purple).
Color: 5

# Notify other connected players when an achievement is received.
# This defines the default behaviour, a player can override what he sees by using /aach toggle.
NotifyOtherPlayers: false

# When NotifyOtherPlayers is enabled, notifications are done using action bars when ActionBarNotify is true.
# When ActionBarNotify is false, chat messages are used.
ActionBarNotify: false

# Display achievement DisplayName and Message as screen titles. Ignored if using Minecraft 1.7.9 or 1.7.10.
TitleScreen: true

# Display chat messages when a player receives an achievement.
ReceiverChatMessages: true

# When a player receives an achievement, the DisplayName, Message and rewards of the achievement are displayed in
# the chat. If HoverableReceiverChatText is true, a single hoverable text will be displayed to the receiver.
# Otherwise texts will be displayed one after the other.
HoverableReceiverChatText: true

# Separator between name, description and date on a book page.
BookSeparator: ""

# Set the format of the achievement name in /aach list (default: "%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%").
ListAchievementFormat: "%ICON% %NAME% %ICON%"

# Set the format of the header used for most chat messages (default: "§7[%ICON%§7]").
ChatHeader: "§7[%ICON%§7]"

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in creative mode, including PlayedTime.
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player switches to a non-creative mode.
RestrictCreative: true

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in spectator mode, including PlayedTime.
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player switches to a non-spectator mode.
# No effect if using Minecraft 1.7.9 or 1.7.10.
RestrictSpectator: true

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in adventure mode, including PlayedTime.
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player switches to a non-adventure mode.
RestrictAdventure: false

# Stop all stats from increasing when player in a specific world, including PlayedTime (delete the [] before adding values).
# Connection achievements will only be handled once a player enters a non-excluded world.
  - flat_creative
  - world_creative

# Ignore vertical dimension (Y axis) when calculating distance statistics.
IgnoreVerticalDistance: false

# Don't show these categories in the achievement GUI or in the stats output.
# Also prevent obtaining achievements for these categories and prevent stats from increasing.
- Places
- Breaks
- TargetsShot
- Crafts
- PlayerCommands
- Breeding
- JobsReborn
- Connections
- Deaths
- Arrows
- Snowballs
- Eggs
- Fish
- Treasures
- ItemBreaks
- EatenItems
- Shear
- Milk
- LavaBuckets
- WaterBuckets
- AnvilsUsed
- Enchantments
- MaxLevel
- ConsumedPotions
- PlayedTime
- DistanceFoot
- DistancePig
- DistanceHorse
- DistanceMinecart
- DistanceBoat
- DistanceGliding
- DistanceLlama
- DistanceSneaking
- ItemDrops
- ItemPickups
- HoePlowings
- Fertilising
- Taming
- Brewing
- Fireworks
- MusicDiscs
- EnderPearls
- PetMasterGive
- PetMasterReceive
- Smelting
- RaidsWon
- Riptides
- AdvancementsCompleted
- Trades

# Obfuscate achievements that have not yet been received in /aach list.
ObfuscateNotReceived: false

# For categories with a series of related achievements where the only thing changing is the number of times
# the event has occurred, show achievements that have been obtained and show the next obtainable achievement,
# but obfuscate the additional achievements. For example, under Places, stone, the first achievement could have a
# target of 100 stone, the second 500 stone, and the third 1000 stone.  When ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements
# is true, initially only the 100 stone achievement will be readable in the GUI.  Once 100 stone have been placed,
# the 500 stone achievement will become legible.
ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements: false

# Similar to ObfuscateProgressiveAchievements, but displays not received achievements as locked in /aach list.
HideProgressiveAchievements: false

# Hide categories for which a player has not yet received achievements by displaying them as locked in /aach list.
HideNotReceivedCategories: false

# Completely hide categories for which the player does not have the corresponding count permissions.
HideNoPermissionCategories: false

# Hide the reward display in /aach list.
HideRewardDisplayInList: false

# Display precise statistic information in the /aach list progress bars.
EnrichedListProgressBars: true

# Annotate each achievement displayed in a /aach list category with a number.
NumberedItemsInList: false

# Color used for not yet received achievements in /aach list.
ListColorNotReceived: 8

# Italicise not yet received achievements in /aach list. Obfuscated achievements are not affected.
ListItaliciseNotReceived: true

# Sort pages of the book in chronological order (false for reverse chronological order).
BookChronologicalOrder: true

# Do not take into account items broken with Silk Touch for the Breaks achievements.
DisableSilkTouchBreaks: false

# Do not take into account ores broken with Silk Touch for the Breaks achievements.
# DisableSilkTouchBreaks takes precedence over this. Not applicable to iron or gold ores.
DisableSilkTouchOreBreaks: false

# Language file to use. Available: lang.yml, lang-BP.yml, lang-CN.yml, lang-CZ.yml, lang-DE.yml, lang-ES.yml, lang-FI.yml
# lang-FR.yml, lang-HU.yml, lang-IT.yml, lang-PL.yml, lang-RO.yml, lang-RU.yml, lang-SE.yml, lang-TR.yml, lang-TW.yml, lang-VN.yml
LanguageFileName: lang-PL.yml

# Time in seconds between each statistic count. Only the listed categories are currently supported.
  LavaBuckets: 10
  WaterBuckets: 10
  Milk: 10
  Beds: 30
  Brewing: 5
  MusicDiscs: 30

# Display action bar message when player performs an action while in the cooldown period.
# No effect if using Minecraft 1.7.9 or 1.7.10.
CooldownActionBar: true

# Locale used to format dates in /aach book and /aach list. You must select an ISO 639 language code.
# The list of possible language codes can be found at
DateLocale: en

# Display reception time of achievements in /aach book and /aach list in addition to the date. For achievements
# received in plugin versions prior to 3.0, the precise time information is not available and will be displayed as midnight.
DateDisplayTime: true

# Register advancements with a description corresponding to the Goal parameter of each achievement.
# If changed, run /aach generate to regenerate advancements with the new parameter value taken into account.
# No effect if using Minecraft versions prior to 1.12.
RegisterAdvancementDescriptions: true

# If true, hide advancements from the advancement GUI. Advancement notifications will still appear when receiving achievements.
# No effect if using Minecraft versions prior to 1.12.
HideAdvancements: false

# If true, PlayedTime will no longer increase when the player is AFK. Requires Essentials to work.
IgnoreAFKPlayedTime: true

# Awarded when a player has received all the achievements. Use the same reward pattern as with achievements.
# See
  Money: 1

# Title shown on the root advancement.
RootAdvancementTitle: 'Osiągnięcia'

# Background shown on the Advanced Achievements advancement tab.
# Must be a resource location to any image in a resource pack.
AdvancementsBackground: "minecraft:textures/item/book.png"

# III-----------------------------------------------------III #
# |                    Database settings                    | #
# 3---------------------------------------------------------3 #

# Make a daily backup of your local database (if sqlite or h2).
DatabaseBackup: true

# Database type, sqlite, h2, postgresql or mysql. Do a full server restart for this to take effect.
DatabaseType: mysql

# Prefix added to the tables in the database. If you switch from the default tables names (no prefix),
# the plugin will attempt an automatic renaming. Otherwise you have to rename your tables manually.
# Do a full server restart for this to take effect.
TablePrefix: "aach"

# Specify additional options when opening a connection to a MySQL/PostgreSQL database. Start each option with &,
# for instance "&useUnicode=yes&characterEncoding=UTF-8". Make sure the key-value pairs themselves are URL encoded.
AdditionalConnectionOptions: ""

# Settings to connect to your MySQL/PostgreSQL database (ignored if sqlite).
# A PostgreSQL database address will be similar to jdbc:postgresql://localhost:5432/minecraft
DatabaseAddress: "jdbc:mysql://localhost/mefcraft"
DatabaseUser: mefcraft
DatabasePassword: '4TyY6JgFgjy3jdD7KYJLb3983nNt'

# IV-------------------------------------------------------IV #
# |                  Performance settings                   | #
# |        Change only if you are an experienced user       | #
# 4---------------------------------------------------------4 #

# Frequency of play time checks for players (seconds). Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
PlaytimeTaskInterval: 60

# Calculates distance traveled by players (seconds). Smaller values give more precision but more CPU usage.
DistanceTaskInterval: 5

# Set to true if you use BungeeCord or if your database is shared by multiple servers. Do a full server restart.
BungeeMode: false

#                                             MULTIPLE ACTION ACHIEVEMENTS                                             #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                Achievements in the following categories require both a sub-category and a threshold.                 #

# Count blocks placed. You can use any of the following:
# - block names (available names:
# - notations such as sand:1 (i.e. sand item with metadata 1, red sand) for 1.7-1.12 Minecraft versions .
# - custom display name of items (e.g. the name of a player's head).
      # Optional, used in /aach list when achievement not yet received, and in advancements.
      Goal: Place 5 chests.
      # Description, displayed when receiving achievement, and in /aach book and /aach list.
      Message: §6You have placed 5 chests!
      # Database name, must also be used in /aach delete and /aach check.
      Name: place_5_chest
      # Displayed when receiving achievement, and in /aach book and /aach list.
      DisplayName: Storage Expert
      # Used to select the display item for this achievement in gui.yml.
      Type: normal
      Goal: Place 50 chests.
      Message: §6You have placed 50 chests!
      Name: place_50_chest
      DisplayName: Tetris Master
      Type: normal
      Goal: Place 100 Stones.
      Message: One hundred placed stones!
      Name: place_100_stone
      DisplayName: Stone Addict
      Type: normal
      Goal: Place 1000 stones.
      Message: One thousand placed stones!
      Name: place_1000_stone
      DisplayName: Stone God
      Type: normal
          Execute: "say §7ALERT: §4PLAYER§7 has become the §4STONE GOD§7!"
          Display: Become the Stone God!
  # Item custom display name, for example Mario's head from the Custom Heads plugin.
      Goal: Place Mario's head.
      Message: Mario's head is on the ground!
      Name: place_1_mario
      DisplayName: It's-a me, Mario!
      Type: rare

# Count blocks broken. You can use any of the following:
# - block names (available names:
# - notations such as sand:1 (i.e. sand item with metadata 1, red sand) for 1.7-1.12 Minecraft versions .
      Goal: Break 10 ice blocks.
      Message: You have broken 10 ice blocks!
      Name: break_10_ice
      DisplayName: Cold Drink Supplier
      Type: normal
  # Use the following construct to track multiple types. Note that if ever you add/remove a type grouped to 
  # others with |, progress for this sub-category group will start back at 0.
      Goal: Break 32 ice and/or snow.
      Message: You have broken 32 ice and snow, Woo!
      Name: break_32_ice_any
      DisplayName: Praying for Summer
      Type: normal
      Goal: Break a block.
      Message: §1The first time you went mining!
      Name: break_1_stone
      DisplayName: Cobble Gobble!
      Type: normal
            - give PLAYER dispenser 10
            - give PLAYER lever 5

# Count entities killed. You can use any of the following:
# - entity types (available names:
# - poweredcreeper.
# - custom mob name (name tag/plugins such as Mythic Mobs) for Minecraft 1.8 or more recent.
# - player to track player kills as a whole.
# - specificplayer- followed by player UUID to track how many times a specific player has been killed.
      Goal: 'Zabij Zombie'
      Message: 'Zabiłeś pierwszy raz Zombiaka!'
      Name: kills_1_zombie
      DisplayName: 'Chodząca Śmierć'
      Type: normal
  # Mythic Mobs 'Display' parameter. Change & to §.
#  §2Skeletal Knight:
#    1:
#      Goal: Kill the evil Skeletal Knight.
#      Message: §eYou killed a Mythic Mob!
#      Name: kills_1_skeletal_night
#      DisplayName: Mythic Killer
#      Type: rare
#  specificplayer-56c79b19-4500-466c-94ea-514a755fdd09:
#    1:
#      Goal: Kill the evil Author.
#      Message: Yippie! You killed the author of the plugin!
#      Name: kills_1_darkpyves
#      DisplayName:  No More DarkPyves
#      Type: rare
#      Reward:
#        IncreaseMaxHealth: 1

# Count targets shot (but not necessarily killed) with a projectile. You can use any of the following:
# - block names:
# - entity names:
      Goal: Throw things at villagers.
      Message: You lapidated villagers 10 times.
      Name: targetsshot_10_villager
      DisplayName: The Stoner
      Type: normal
      Goal: Try to break granny's windows.
      Message: You shot 100 projectiles at glass blocks!
      Name: targetsshot_100_glass
      DisplayName: Window Breaker
      Type: normal

# Count items crafted (available names:
      Goal: Craft a sword.
      Message: The first time you crafted a blade!
      Name: craft_1_blade
      DisplayName: Blacksmith Apprentice
      Type: normal
        Money: 2
      Goal: Craft 100 swords.
      Message: Next craft, Excalibur?
      Name: craft_100_blade
      DisplayName: Blacksmith Legend
      Type: rare
        Experience: 500

# Count specific commands used. Specify command prefixes in lower case without initial slash. For example, command
# '/petm setcolor red' from the PetMaster plugin matches with subcategory 'petm setcolor'. Aliases of a given command
# will also be taken into account.
  aach stats:
      Goal: Check your stats 10x.
      Message: Run the stats command 10 times!
      Name: playercommand_aachstats_10
      DisplayName: Statistician
      Type: normal
          Execute: say §7PLAYER is now a statistician
          Display: Broadcast

# Count animals bred (available names:
      Goal: Breed a sheep.
      Message: You bred your first sheep!
      Name: breeding_1_sheep
      DisplayName: Breeder
      Type: normal

# Count the number of times a player levels up in a job (job name lower case).
      Goal: Level up as a hunter!
      Message: You have reached hunter level 2!
      Name: jobsreborn_1_hunter
      DisplayName: Hunter
      Type: normal

#                                              NORMAL ACTION ACHIEVEMENTS                                              #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                      Achievements in the following categories require only require a threshold.                      #

# Count player connections during the day; statistic increases at most once per day.
    Message: You connected to our server for the first time!
    Name: connect_1
    DisplayName: Good Choice
    Type: normal

# Count player deaths.
    Goal: You have to Die.
    Message: The first time you died!
    Name: deaths_1
    DisplayName: Rest in Peace
    Type: normal
        # Text after the material and quantity will be used as the custom name of the item.
        Item: stone 5 Tombstone

# Count arrows shot.
    Goal: Shoot 50 arrows.
    Message: 50 arrows shot!
    Name: arrows_50
    DisplayName: Arrows Around the Place
    Type: normal

# Count snowballs thrown.
    Goal: Throw 1000 snowballs.
    Message: 1000 snowballs thrown. That's the spirit!
    Name: snowballs_1000
    DisplayName: Winter Addict
    Type: normal
        # 30 corresponds to one bubble in the oxygen bar.
        IncreaseMaxOxygen: 30

# Count eggs thrown
    Goal: Throw 1000 eggs.
    Message: 1000 eggs thrown!
    Name: eggs_1000
    DisplayName: Omelet Addict
    Type: normal

# Count fish caught.
    Goal: Fish a fish.
    Message: The first time you caught a fish!
    Name: fish_1
    DisplayName: Time for Fish and Chips
    Type: normal

# Count treasures caught with a fishing rod.
    Goal: Get a treasure from the sea.
    Message: Your first treasure from the sea!
    Name: treasure_1
    DisplayName: Treasure Hunter
    Type: normal

# Count tools, armors or weapons broken.
    Goal: Let an item break.
    Message: You broke your favorite tool!
    Name: itembreaks_1
    DisplayName: §4Clumsy Guy
    Type: normal

# Count items eaten (excludes potions and milk).
    Goal: Eat something.
    Message: Just had a snack!
    Name: eatenitems_1
    DisplayName: First Snack
    Type: normal

# Count sheep sheared.
    Goal: Shear 100 sheep.
    Message: 100 sheep sheared!
    Name: shear_100
    DisplayName: §1Wool Addict
    Type: normal

# Count cows milked.
    Goal: Milk a cow.
    Message: §eJust milked a cow!.... §cMOOW
    Name: milk_1
    DisplayName: First Milk
    Type: normal
      Experience: 100

# Count buckets filled with lava.
    Goal: Fill 10 buckets with lava.
    Message: 10 buckets filled with lava!
    Name: lavabuckets_10
    DisplayName: Pyroman
    Type: normal

# Count buckets filled with water.
    Goal: Fill 10 buckets with water.
    Message: 15 buckets filled with water!
    Name: waterbuckets_15
    DisplayName: Fireman
    Type: normal

# Count trades with a villager (increases by one per trade regardless of the number of items traded).
    Goal: 'Wykonaj transakcję z wieśniakiem.'
    Message: 'Dokonałeś transakcję z wieśniakiem!'
    Name: trades_1
    DisplayName: 'Mały Biznesmen'
    Type: normal

# Count anvil usages.
    Goal: Repair an item.
    Message: You just repaired your first item!
    Name: anvilsused_1
    DisplayName: First Repair
    Type: normal

# Count enchantments performed.
    Goal: Enchant 5 things.
    Message: 5 objects enchanted!
    Name: enchantments_5
    DisplayName: §5Wizard
    Type: normal

# Count the number of times a player enters a bed.
    Goal: 'Prześpij się 5 razy.'
    Message: 'Wszedłeś do łóżka 5 razy!'
    Name: bed_5
    DisplayName: 'Śpioszek'
    Type: normal

# Count the maximum level reached.
    Goal: Reach level 10.
    Message: Level 10 reached!
    Name: maxlevel_10
    DisplayName: §4Rookie
    Type: normal

# Count potions consumed.
    Goal: Drink 100 potions.
    Message: Drinking weird beverages all the time...
    Name: consumedpotions_100
    DisplayName: Alcoholic
    Type: normal

# Count the amount of time played on the server (in hours, use integers).
    Goal: Play an hour.
    Message: You played for one hour on the server!
    Name: playedtime_1
    DisplayName: First Hour
    Type: normal

# Count distance traveled by foot.
    Goal: Travel 1000 Blocks with your feet.
    Message: You traveled 1000 blocks by foot!
    Name: distancefoot_1000
    DisplayName: Big Walker
    Type: normal

# Count distance traveled on a pig.
    Goal: Travel 100 Blocks with a pig.
    Message: You traveled 100 blocks on a pig!
    Name: distancepig_100
    DisplayName: Carrot on a Stick Master
    Type: rare

# Count distance traveled on a horse.
    Goal: Travel 500 Blocks with a horse.
    Message: You traveled 500 blocks on a horse!
    Name: distancehorse_500
    DisplayName: The Avener
    Type: normal

# Count distance traveled in a minecart.
    Goal: Travel 100 Blocks with a minecart.
    Message: You traveled 100 blocks in a minecart!
    Name: distanceminecart_100
    DisplayName: Carting Fan
    Type: normal

# Count distance traveled in a boat.
    Goal: Travel 200 Blocks with a boat.
    Message: You traveled 200 blocks in a boat!
    Name: distanceboat_200
    DisplayName: Great Sailor
    Type: normal

# Count distance traveled with elytra. Minimum Minecraft version: 1.9.
    Goal: Fly 100 blocks with an elytra.
    Message: You traveled 100 blocks with elytra!
    Name: distancegliding_100
    DisplayName: Angel
    Type: rare

# Count distance traveled on a llama. Minimum Minecraft version: 1.11.
    Goal: Travel 150 blocks with a llama.
    Message: You traveled 150 blocks on a llama!
    Name: distancellama_150
    DisplayName: Llama Rider
    Type: rare

# Count distance traveled whilst sneaking.
    Goal: Travel 500 blocks whilst sneaking.
    Message: You traveled 500 blocks whilst sneaking!
    Name: distancesneaking_500
    DisplayName: Ninja
    Type: normal

# Count items dropped on the ground.
    Goal: Drop 15 items.
    Message: §cYou're killing the planet!
    Name: itemdrops_15
    DisplayName: Polluter
    Type: normal

# Count items picked up from the ground.
    Goal: Pick 40 items up.
    Message: You're saving the planet!
    Name: itempickups_40
    DisplayName: Environmentalist
    Type: normal

# Count blocks of soil plowed with a hoe.
    Goal: Plow 10 times.
    Message: You plowed the ground 10 times!
    Name: hoeplowings_10
    DisplayName: Farmer
    Type: normal
        Item: cookie 15

# Count the number of bone meals used to fertilise plants.
    Goal: Use bonemeal 15 times.
    Message: You used bone meal on plants 15 times!
    Name: fertilising_15
    DisplayName: Gardener
    Type: normal

# Count animals tamed.
    Goal: Tame an animal.
    Message: You tamed your first animal!
    Name: taming_1
    DisplayName: Tamer
    Type: normal

# Count potions brewed.
    Goal: Brew a potion.
    Message: You brewed your first potion!
    Name: brewing_1
    DisplayName: Alchemist
    Type: normal

# Count fireworks launched.
    Goal: Launch fireworks 10 times.
    Message: You launched 10 fireworks!
    Name: fireworks_10
    DisplayName: Pyrotechnist
    Type: normal
      Experience: 200

# Count music discs played (i.e. inserted in a jukebox).
    Goal: Use a jukebox.
    Message: One jukebox used!
    Name: musicdiscs_1
    DisplayName: DJ
    Type: normal

# Count teleportations with an enderpearl.
    Goal: Teleport with ender pearls 10 times.
    Message: 10 teleportations with ender pearls!
    Name: enderpearls_10
    DisplayName: Teleport Man
    Type: normal

# Count pets given to another player (requires Pet Master plugin version 1.4 or above).
    Goal: Give 3 pets to friends.
    Message: 3 pets given to friends!
    Name: petmastergive_3
    DisplayName: Donator
    Type: rare

# Count pets received from another player (requires Pet Master plugin version 1.4 or above).
    Goal: Receive 10 pets.
    Message: 10 pets received from friends!
    Name: petmasterreceive_10
    DisplayName: Receiver
    Type: rare

# Count items smelt in a furnace.
    Goal: Smelt 250 items.
    Message: 250 items smelt in a furnace!
    Name: smeltitems_250
    DisplayName: The Smelter
    Type: normal

# Count raids won.
    Goal: Win a raid.
    Message: A raid won!
    Name: raidswon_1
    DisplayName: Accident or intentional?
    Type: normal
      Item: emerald 8
    Goal: Win ten raids.
    Message: Ten raids!
    Name: raidswon_10
    DisplayName: Village Protector
    Type: rare
      Item: totem_of_undying 1

# Count the number of times riptide is used with a trident.
    Goal: Use a magical trident.
    Message: You've mastered the powers of the sea!
    Name: riptides_1
    DisplayName: Poseidon
    Type: normal

# Count the number of advancements completed.
    Goal: Complete 20 advancements.
    Message: 20 advancements completed!
    Name: advancements_20
    DisplayName: Game Block Advance
    Type: normal
        - diamond 8
        - cake 1

#                                                 COMMAND ACHIEVEMENTS                                                 #
#                                                                                                                      #
#    Achievements in the following categories can only be obtained by running commands or integrating with the API.    #

# Allow Commands achievement to be awarded several times.
MultiCommand: false

# A player with achievement.give (or the console) can use /aach give yourAch1 PLAYER to give
# yourAch1 achievement to PLAYER. The /aach give command does NOT work with other achievements.
    Goal: 'Gdzieś jest fontanna, a pod nią ukryty skarb...'
    Message: 'Znalazłeś skarb pod fontanną!'
    Name: zagadka_fontanna
    DisplayName: 'Płynny Emerald'
    Type: normal
    Goal: 'Coś bzyczy w murach miasta. Co to może być?'
    Message: 'Znalazłeś scenariusz pszczelego filmu!'
    Name: zagadka_miodowe
    DisplayName: 'Miodowe Królestwo'
    Type: normal
    Goal: 'Zostaniesz upieczony, a potem będzie ciasto.'
    Name: zagadka_cake
    DisplayName: 'Ciasto To Kłamstwo'
    Type: rare
    Goal: 'Tajne wrota dla nieustraszonych śmiałków...'
    Message: 'Nie zląkłeś się lawy i podjąłeś tęczowy skok wiary.'
    Name: zagadka_teczowy
    DisplayName: 'Tęczowy Skok'
    Type: normal
    Goal: 'Gdzieś w Mieście znajduje się purpurowa grota...'
    Message: 'Parkour w dół? Co to w ogóle za wyzwanie?'
    Name: zagadka_purpurowa
    DisplayName: 'Purpurowa Grota'
    Type: normal    
    Goal: 'Gdzieś ukryto ciało Barona. Tylko gdzie?'
    Message: 'Znalazłeś grób Barona i zabrałeś Kedikakasi.'
    Name: zagadka_ostatnia_wola
    DisplayName: 'Ostatnia Wola'
    Type: normal      
    Goal: 'Mówi się, że w Mieście jest Świątynia kultystów.'
    Message: 'To ma być świątynia? Przecież to parkour!'
    Name: zagadka_swiatynia
    DisplayName: 'Świątynia'
    Type: normal        
    Goal: 'Czemu wszyscy na czacie piszą "Diament Naszym Zbawieniem"?'
    Name: zagadka_diament_zbawieniem
    DisplayName: 'Diament Naszym Zbawieniem'
    Type: rare
    Goal: 'Pizza z całego Miasta gdzieś znika. Ale gdzie?'
    Message: 'Jakieś podrabiane te Wojownicze Żółwie...'
    Name: zagadka_zolwie
    DisplayName: 'Kryjówka'
    Type: normal
    Goal: 'Ponoć istnieje tajne stowarzyszenie rybaków...'
    Message: 'Przeszedłeś Rybacką Próbę.'
    Name: zagadka_rybacka_proba
    DisplayName: 'Rybacka Próba'
    Type: normal
    Goal: 'Ta wieża nad Miastem wygląda intrygująco...'
    Message: 'Dotarłeś na szczyt więzienia Chciwego Gnoma!'
    Name: zagadka_wieza_magow
    DisplayName: 'Wieża Magów'
    Type: normal       
    Goal: 'Po okolicy krąży pogłoska o potworze...'
    Message: 'Szkoda, że smok tyle musiał na ciebie czekać!'
    Name: zagadka_potwor
    DisplayName: 'Potwór'
    Type: normal   
    Goal: 'To tajne osiągnięcie.'
    Message: 'Znalazłeś tajną grotę.'
    Name: zagadka_420
    DisplayName: '420'
    Type: rare   
    Goal: 'Czy za każdym wodospadem jest skarb?'
    Message: 'Znalazłeś ten właściwy wodospad.'
    Name: zagadka_wodospad
    DisplayName: 'Wodospad'
    Type: rare   
    Goal: 'To tajne osiągnięcie.'
    Message: 'Znalazłeś ekwipunek czujnego obserwatora.'
    Name: znajdzka_obserwator
    DisplayName: 'Taktyczny Obserwator'
    Type: rare
    Goal: 'To tajne osiągnięcie.'
    Message: 'Głupi kundel! Ja się niby boję?'
    Name: znajdzka_eustachy
    DisplayName: 'Eustachy'
    Type: rare
    Goal: 'To tajne osiągnięcie.'
    Message: 'Ukończyłeś podchody trasy Żelaznego Miecza!'
    Name: podchody_zelazny_miecz
    DisplayName: 'Podchody - Żelazny Miecz'
    Type: rare
    Goal: 'Po okolicy krąży plotka o wiedźmie.'
    Message: 'Zostawiłeś wiedźmę w spokoju.'
    Name: zagadka_polowanie_wiedzma
    DisplayName: 'Polowanie na Wiedźmy'
    Type: normal    

# When the command /aach add is called for this category.
      Goal: 'Zagłosuj pierwszy raz na Mefcrafta na'
      Message: 'Zagłosowałeś na MefCrafta!'
      Name: customs_votes_1
      DisplayName: 'Tylko zwiedzam'
      Type: normal
      Goal: 'Zagłosuj 10 razy na Mefcrafta na'
      Message: 'Zagłosowałeś 10 razy na serwer!'
      Name: customs_votes_10
      DisplayName: 'Fan MefCrafta'
      Type: normal

#                                                  FUTURE PAREMETERS                                                   #
#                                                                                                                      #
#                          New parameters added in future plugin releases will appear below.                           #
PyvesB commented 3 years ago

Hello @farum12 ! 👋🏻

Once you've tested the achievement with /aach give ach farum12, why not simply run the reverse command, /aach delete ach farum12? That way you wouldn't appear as top 1 anymore. 😉

farum12 commented 3 years ago

Thanks for response @PyvesB ! Yes, I thought that I'll use it if there is no such an option as I mentioned in my 1st comment :) Anyway, I would suggest considering my suggestion as an enchancement for the future updates.


PyvesB commented 3 years ago

You're welcome!

Anyway, I would suggest considering my suggestion as an enchancement for the future updates.

Yep, possibly something I'll add in a future update, especially if other users request something similar. :)