PyvesB / eclipse-planet-themes

:new_moon: Collection of light and dark Eclipse themes, inspired by planets of the Solar System.
Eclipse Public License 2.0
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Eclipse 4.15 CDT, theme not loading correctly #15

Closed Arryk closed 2 months ago

Arryk commented 9 months ago


I am trying to use those theme with the 4.15 version of Eclipse modified by Xilinx (Vitis 2021.1). The theme do not work at all, see screenshot below of the Pluto theme loaded.


Below the details of my eclipse installation on a Windows 11 22H2 machine.


Any idea how I could fix it so I can see the theme correctly ?

Thanks a lot!

PyvesB commented 9 months ago

Hello @Arryk! 👋🏻

At the time of writing, the plugin doesn't properly support CDT, which is what is used as the C editor in your screenshot. To fix the problem, one would need to take the CSS values from here, and add them to the Moon, Neptune and Pluto files with appropriate colour values. :)

Arryk commented 9 months ago

Hi Pyves,

Thanks for the response, I guess I can give it a go and try to do that. I have changed the title to reflect the fact that this issue is linked to CDT.

Arryk commented 9 months ago

Hi @PyvesB,

I have forked and cloned the project, it's been a while since I touched Java and Eclipse. I'm getting an error on the Plug-In validation for the project, this leads to the following compilation error: org.osgi.framework.BundleException: Could not resolve module: com.codeaffine.workflow.persistence [14]

Any idea how to fix this ?


I also found something I don't understand, in 'moon.css' line 40, the org-eclipse-jdt-ui refers to '-neptune' instead of '-moon', is that normal ?


I am using Eclipse RCP+RAP 2023-12 with JavaSE-17. The JRE ecosystem is very arcane, the project says I need JavaSE-8 but it is not available anymore.

PyvesB commented 9 months ago

Any idea how to fix this ?

You probably did, but just double-checking to be on the safe side, can you confirm you followed the setup instructions in this section of the README?

I also found something I don't understand, in 'moon.css' line 40, the org-eclipse-jdt-ui refers to '-neptune' instead of '-moon', is that normal ?

Oh, I think that's a copy-paste on my side. Nice catch! Feel free to submit a PR, I can also fix it on my side if you'd prefer! :)

Arryk commented 9 months ago

You probably did, but just double-checking to be on the safe side, can you confirm you followed the setup instructions in this section of the README?

I tried again and followed every step, but the plugin "" is just nowhere to be found. Even after reloading the target, all plugin-ins are found except this one.

The weird thing is that the plugin is exists within eclipse, and shows up in the installation details:


But "com.codeaffine.workflow.persistence" cannot resolve it


Oh, I think that's a copy-paste on my side. Nice catch! Feel free to submit a PR, I can also fix it on my side if you'd prefer! :)

I can put it as part of the PR, it's easy enough (if I can get bloody Eclipse to work!)

EDIT: I think I managed to get the thing to work after installing JRE 11 and resolving all the warnings, the plugin is still not found but the code now compiles.

PyvesB commented 9 months ago

I've pushed a commit that should fix the plugin not found error: 62921d9eb97eed003e98b7ed10c907cbddce4b7e

As far as JRE versions are concerned, I'll do some updates later to make things easier for newer Java versions, but seems like you're unlocked on that side for now :)

Arryk commented 9 months ago

I've pushed a commit that should fix the plugin not found error: 62921d9

As far as JRE versions are concerned, I'll do some updates later to make things easier for newer Java versions, but seems like you're unlocked on that side for now :)

Thanks, that fixed all the issues

I started the modification but the plugin export doesn't seem to work and I cannot add my plugin to Eclipse (4.30 nor 4.15)

image image

This is a common problem with Eclipse, I searched community but nothing works. My current JRE is JavaSE-11 and I am targeting Eclipse 4.15

Any thought on this issue ?

PyvesB commented 9 months ago

the plugin export doesn't seem to work

What do you mean? Do you get a JAR generated at least? If that's the case, you can drop it into the dropins folder of one of your existing Eclipse installations, and restart it.

Alternatively, right-clicking on the plugin project and selecting Run As -> Eclipse Application will allow you to test things more easily by spinning up a temporary IDE environment. :)

Arryk commented 8 months ago

What do you mean? Do you get a JAR generated at least? If that's the case, you can drop it into the dropins folder of one of your existing Eclipse installations, and restart it.

Yes, I generated a .jar file.

Alternatively, right-clicking on the plugin project and selecting Run As -> Eclipse Application will allow you to test things more easily by spinning up a temporary IDE environment. :)

Run As -> Eclipse Application works and I can see the plugins, now my issue is to successfully deploy this outside debugging environment.

Is there any way I can Run As with an other eclipse application ? I couldn't see any way of selecting a different version of eclipse.


PyvesB commented 8 months ago
  • If I use the Help > Install New Software > Add > Archive method, Eclipse tells me that nothing is available.

Try right-clicking on the planet-themes-feature project, Export... in the menu, Deployable features in the list, and then select Archive. In your separate Eclipse installation, when you do Help > Install New Software > Add > Archive, make sure you unselect Group items by category.

  • If I put the .jar file into the dropins folder and restart eclipse, nothing happens and the plugin is not loaded.

This is odd, I've just tried this method out as well, and it works as expected for me. Do you not see the plug-in in the About Eclipse > Installation details > Plug-ins listing? When exporting the plug-in, here are the options I used on my side:

Screenshot 2023-12-28 at 19 15 15
Arryk commented 8 months ago

Thanks, exporting the plugin as a feature instead of deployable plugins and fragment worked. I will see if I can replicate the themes on CDT now

Arryk commented 8 months ago

Hi @PyvesB,

Hope you had a good break for Christmas and a good new year!

I started doing the port to CDT. I am missing some examples on how things should look like.

Any chance you could provides me with better real code screenshots for Pluto, Neptune & Moon ?

Something like:

Here's is what I got so far


image image


image image

Any comment or advices on to improve the visual is welcome!


PyvesB commented 8 months ago

Happy new year to you too! :)

Inclusion statements are import statements in Java, and there's not really an ifdef equivalent.

A couple of extra screenshots: pluto neptune

Moon by and large sticks to the default syntax highlighting colour scheme, so unless anything looks off or is hard to read there, you can leave it alone.

From what I can tell, the screenshots look very promising, at least from the non-expert eye of someone who has not used CDT in earnest since 2016. Once you're happy with what you've got, we can ship a first version. If you notice something off later on, or if there's feedback from other users, we can always iterate and improve over time. :)

PyvesB commented 7 months ago

How are things going @Arryk , anything I can help with? :)

Arryk commented 7 months ago

Hi PyvesB,

Thanks for asking, I am extremely busy with work at the moment. Once I get some time back I'll complete the theme.

There is a strange behaviour I've seen with eclipse where when I start eclipse everything is white and I have to manually click on each workbench elements for the theme to be applied, this is quite annoying.

PyvesB commented 7 months ago

There is a strange behaviour I've seen with eclipse where when I start eclipse everything is white and I have to manually click on each workbench elements for the theme to be applied, this is quite annoying.

Yes, this is probably #4. Never really managed to crack it, or come up with a minimal reproducible example. If you've got additional insights, do share them there :)

PyvesB commented 3 months ago

There is a strange behaviour I've seen with eclipse where when I start eclipse everything is white and I have to manually click on each workbench elements for the theme to be applied, this is quite annoying.

I've decided to drop the flat scrollbars (5a69cebfe3cdba9eda7c685467cfd0f9ca60603c). This issue should no longer happen on the latest plugin revision.

I also found something I don't understand, in 'moon.css' line 40, the org-eclipse-jdt-ui refers to '-neptune' instead of '-moon', is that normal ?

I've fixed this in 1fe8735c46fbd385e20b50a1ae4ca5c70aa3e896.

Hopefully things should be easier whenever you have a chance to pick this up again. :)

Arryk commented 3 months ago

I'll try to check this in the new few weeks and create a PR, thanks

Arryk commented 2 months ago

@PyvesB PR has been created I can confirm the issue with the white panels is gone