Q1712 / mobiled

mobile daemon and ultilitys to manage phone-, gps-, sync- a.s.o. functionality on free mobile devices like the GTA04, Pyra and Neo900
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licence issues #2

Open Q1712 opened 7 years ago

Q1712 commented 7 years ago

The WTFPL is not compatible with more restrictive licences.

best guess till further research: not compatible with the GPL at all, not even linking. compatible for linking against Apache/MIT/BSD/LGPL/a.s.o. fully compatible with The Unlicence

Q1712 commented 7 years ago

made a whole lotta reasearch:

came down to 5 categories:

  1. using code: copying the code or parts of it into out own source code.
  2. including code: using unmodified or modified code in seprerate files but still present in this reposetory
  3. calling a function: simply linking code, static or dynamic linking, not included in this reposetory
  4. not even being allowed to call a dynamicly linked funktion, because under the law, thereby all out work would be just derived work of the code that maked that function do what we intent it to do.


USE: public domain, unlicense, WTFPL ... INCLUDE: all the previous and with additional licence text in the file/folder: BSD, MIT ... CALL: all the previous and LGPL, Apatch, Mozilla .... NOTCALL: GPL. QT, Properatary ...

on a personal note: i am a strong beliver in the fact that just linking code does not constetude "derived work". and on some occasion i intend to prove it, by implementing a dummy library myself that works for just those functions i call. i intend to do so, and then provide a compile-time flag with witch it might be linked against the implementation. let me give an exaple (that does not apply as there are PD zip-librarys out there, lets just pretend all zip-libs are GPL): if i want to provide something as a zip archive, i woutd implement a zip_folder(char foldername. char zipfilename) myself, with a dialog stating: "please go to the folder ? and zip all its content. and then name that zip-file ?. press okay as soon as you are done". so my work does not depend on that zip-library, is would work without it. but any reasonable person would choose to rather use -l zip-library to avoid that dialog and have to do the zipping herself, and i really do not think that this makes me vulnerable to the owner of the zip-library suing me, on the grounds that my work was derived work of his zip-library.

but that is a personal note, and not an issue for the mobiled project.