Q42 / fabricjs-opentypejs-demo

Demo of fabricjs rendering fonts using opentypejs
22 stars 8 forks source link

Demo not working #2

Closed mediumhust closed 2 years ago

mediumhust commented 4 years ago

Hi, this is a awesome plugin. Please check your demo again. Could you show result of canvas.toSVG()

lukasvan3l commented 4 years ago

The code is two years old and it worked at the time in all major browsers. It could very well be that it doesn't work in specific browsers or versions. If you provide me a bit more details (what OS & browser are you running, error messages, screenshots, etc) then I might find some time to dive further into it.

mediumhust commented 4 years ago

I tested in: https://q42.github.io/fabricjs-opentypejs-demo/ It doesn't work in all OSs and browsers: http://prntscr.com/oul7on

Could you show a result of svg with outline of text?

mediumhust commented 4 years ago

I can fix that error but I want to know the way opentypejs resolve the problem with outline text in exported SVG. Some of our printing system doesn't accept PDF with embed font, we need to convert text in svg to outline. Do you have any idea? Thank you very much for your response.

lukasvan3l commented 2 years ago

I fixed a bug in the demo, now it "works on my machine". You can type canvas.toSVG() in the console if you need, the canvas element is set on window.canvas. I don't know if this will help you converting text to outline, I'm not outputting the outlines, but using them during the rendering in FabricJS.

Closing because it's probably outdated ;)