QA-Automation-Starter / qa-automation

QA automation utilities and project generator
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automatic and interactive creation of new automation starter projects #242

Open adrian-herscu opened 2 months ago

adrian-herscu commented 2 months ago

Current State Currenly, creating an automation project comprises several manual steps:

  1. running the qa-testing-archetype maven archetype as desacribed in
  2. initiating a git repository for the generated project directory
  3. publishing it into a remote github repository

How to make it better Provide a Create New Project somewhere on the landing page to run above steps while prompting the user for groupId, artifactId and version. The newly generated repository should initiate a preconfigured codespace environment with all project's required features for VSCode and for running the automation examples, e.g. Selenium, Appium, RabbitMQ, etc.

adrian-herscu commented 2 months ago

adrian-herscu commented 2 months ago

Selenium tests cannot run locally on a Codespaces instance because it does not support installation of Googe Chrome

Anyway, it would be useless, because developing such tests requires openning DevTools and experimenting with XPath expressions and seeing how a test runs, or doesn't, is also important.

Still, it is possible to run Selenium tests from Codespaces in remote mode, e.g. against a SauceLabs account, or have a Grid running on local machine exposed via TailScale (or some other VPN -- see

adrian-herscu commented 2 months ago

Appears that Playright is supported...

adrian-herscu commented 2 months ago

Openning a Codespace in Jetbrains Gateway fails:

adrian-herscu commented 2 months ago

For faster docker builds --

and apply for a license here:

adrian-herscu commented 4 weeks ago

depends on #246