[ ] get rid of def get_alpha_max_mtl(X, Y), get_alpha_max_sgcl etc and hardcode them into get_alpha_max
[ ] res = norm(R.T @ (Sigma_inv @ R), ord=ord)
return res > return norm(...)
[ ] R[l, :, :] > R[l]
[ ] result = l_2_inf(X.T @ Sigma_max_inv @ Y)
result /= (n_sensors * n_times) > do the division on the previous line
[ ] _, Sigma_max_inv = clp_sqrt(
cov_Yl, sigma_min) > no need to breakline (appears at other locations)
[ ] pb_name == "MTL" > dangerous, use pb_name=pb_name.lower() in the beginning and use lowercase later for comparison
[ ] do we really need the data submodule? the functions could go into utils.py
[ ] There are occurrences of n_epochs, _, _ = R_all_epochs.shape > use shape[0]
[ ] def normalize(X):
for i in range(X.shape[1]):
X[:, i] /= norm(X[:, i])
return X > use broadcasting directly X /= np.linalg.norm(X, axis=0)[None, :]
[ ] dictionary > design
[ ] toeplitz(vect, vect) > second vect is not necessary and this variable can be avoided
[ ] Often the default parameters are still passed in the function which makes the code harder to read, they can be removed for readability
[ ] get rid of def get_alpha_max_mtl(X, Y), get_alpha_max_sgcl etc and hardcode them into get_alpha_max
[ ] res = norm(R.T @ (Sigma_inv @ R), ord=ord) return res > return norm(...)
[ ] R[l, :, :] > R[l]
[ ] result = l_2_inf(X.T @ Sigma_max_inv @ Y) result /= (n_sensors * n_times) > do the division on the previous line
[ ] _, Sigma_max_inv = clp_sqrt( cov_Yl, sigma_min) > no need to breakline (appears at other locations)
[ ]
pb_name == "MTL"
> dangerous,use pb_name=pb_name.lower()
in the beginning and use lowercase later for comparison[ ] do we really need the data submodule? the functions could go into utils.py
[ ] There are occurrences of
n_epochs, _, _ = R_all_epochs.shape
> use shape[0][ ] def normalize(X): for i in range(X.shape[1]): X[:, i] /= norm(X[:, i]) return X > use broadcasting directly X /= np.linalg.norm(X, axis=0)[None, :]
[ ] dictionary > design
[ ] toeplitz(vect, vect) > second vect is not necessary and this variable can be avoided
[ ] Often the default parameters are still passed in the function which makes the code harder to read, they can be removed for readability