QCBSRworkshops / workshop06

Workshop 6 - Generalized linear models (GLM)
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Random effect (1 | X) #2

Open KevCaz opened 4 years ago

KevCaz commented 4 years ago

Slide ~112

mpl1 <- glmer(total.fruits ~ nutrient*amd + rack + status +
          (1|X) +
data=dat.tf, family="poisson",
control = glmerControl(optimizer = "bobyqa"))

(1 | X) is not well-explained here and it is not detailed in workshop #6.

pedrohbraga commented 4 years ago

Hi, Kev! Thank you!

We are going over this workshop, right now! I have just pulled this workshop from the repository and I am going to start doing modifications to it this afternoon.

Are you pushing any modifications on your side?

KevCaz commented 4 years ago

Not pushing for this workshop today, but I can try to list a couple of comments had and I did address.