QCBSRworkshops / workshop07

Workshop 7 - General and generalized linear mixed models (LMM and GLMM)
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Important modifications to be applied the presentation of Workshop 7 #58

Open linley-sherin opened 2 years ago

linley-sherin commented 2 years ago

Before developing and modifying this workshop, please read through the presenter and developer protocol and refer back to it regularly as you work.

Summary of presenter and participant feedback (2020-2021)

This workshop received positive feedback last year. Participants felt that the workshop's material was clear and thorough and that they were able to understand how LMMs and GLMMs work theoretically and how to implement them in R. Participants appreciated the challenges and use of breakout rooms in order to test their knowledge of the material. However, we received feedback that this workshop is material-heavy, especially in the first half, and often feels rushed at the end. Presenters also requested more presenter notes to make their job easier in preparing to teach this workshop.

Therefore, this workshop would benefit from further development to ensure that slides are made concise when possible, this includes the editing of unclear sections and the removal of unnecessary material (if any). Currently there are 9 challenges in this workshop, including a mix of long and short form challenges. In order to ensure that this workshop does not run longer than 4 hours including breaks, challenges should be reviewed to ensure time is being used effectively. In addition, presenter notes should be added throughout (This is a major priority!) These proposed corrections are outlined in more detail below.

General issues to be addressed related to the presentation of this workshop

Facilitate the presentation of the slides with presenter notes

Presenter notes are particularly helpful to guide presenters through slides that have been developed by many QCBS contributors over several years. For example, you may add notes to direct presenters to the key message of a complex slide, to remind presenters to spend more (or less) time on a difficult concept, to offer additional information or explanations, to propose check-in questions to seek more active engagement of the participants, to remind presenters to call back to a previous concept in an earlier workshop, and more. To add presenter notes, you can add ??? at the bottom of the slide, and write your presenter note underneath as such:

# Slide title: Coding in R is fun!

R allows us to clean, analyze, and plot our data!

Take the time to explain that R allows us to program tasks, so we do not have to manually repeat them. 
To engage the participants, ask them if they think R is fun too.

Adapt exercises to better suit the remote workshop format

Exercises should be informative and engaging, and should build on the material shown during the workshop. Here are some suggestions to achieve this goal:

Ensure that all changes are reflected in both languages

Specific to slide content, structure, grammar and style

In general, these slides are quite text-heavy. Some of the text can be moved into the presenter notes in order to make the slides more concise without losing important material. Below we've compiled edits that should be made to the slides, but developers may also edit them further to flow better/cut down on text as they see fit.

Remaining issues to resolve from previous contributors:

linley-sherin commented 2 years ago