QData / C-Tran

General Multi-label Image Classification with Transformers
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A question about argument "--pos_emb" and a possible comparsive method. #12

Closed Kyfafyd closed 2 years ago

Kyfafyd commented 2 years ago

Dear author,

Thanks for your time!

I have noticed that their is an argument "--pos_emb", so how to use it, If it will improve performance? I found if I call it when training, it will raise an error.

Meanwhile, I wonder if this AAAI2021 paper can be compared with your paper? It seems these two papers are using the same setting. https://ojs.aaai.org/index.php/AAAI/article/view/17098/16905

jacklanchantin commented 2 years ago

--pos_emb is a binary flag to use the positional encoding. It will not help much

It looks like that paper came out after ours, so we did not compare