QGIS project and useful stuff for TEKSI wastewater module (Project QGEP)
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Automatic connection of catchment area #351

Open m-kuhn opened 7 years ago

m-kuhn commented 7 years ago


Automatically connect catchment areas to the wastewater network (setting the rainwater current/planned and wastewater current/planned)


The connected wastewater node does need to be on the primary network. To find that automatically, a node from on top of the catchment area is taken (point in polygon) and then the network is tracked down until a primary node is found. This node is used.

max-trolliet commented 7 years ago

idea :

  1. use the network inside the area (geographical selction) which could/should be secondary network (need to check) and
  2. follow it along downstream
  3. select the connection node between selected secondary network and primary
  4. insert the fk.