QGIS project and useful stuff for TEKSI wastewater module (Project QGEP)
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how to delete a selection of detailed geometries #656

Closed urskaufmann closed 3 years ago

urskaufmann commented 3 years ago

detailed geometries can be deleted with the remove part tool (chap in the QGEP-docu). You have to click on every detail geometry. How can I delete a selection of detailed geometries without clicking every record?

ponceta commented 3 years ago

If you mean without removing the corresponding wastewater structures you can't natively on QGIS.

But I'm sure we can add a small action to do this? Or ask for a QGIS core feature?


urskaufmann commented 3 years ago

@ponceta : Yes, without deleting the wastewater structure. Otherwise it's easy. What you show in the video is the thing described in chap. It works also without selecting the polygon before. My problem: I got Geonis-Data - and there you have a detailgeometrie with every reach and every manhole...

sjib commented 3 years ago

@urskaufmann Can't you just delete the detailed_geometry in pg_admin in the database. Something like: DELETE detailed_geometry_geometry FROM qgep_od.reach WHERE ... (and make a selection, if you do not want to DELETE all)?

urskaufmann commented 3 years ago

Something like (but do not know the right expressions): UPDATE qgep_od.wastewater_structure SET detail_geometry_geometry = '' WHERE fk_main_wastewater_node IS NULL

sjib commented 3 years ago

UPDATE qgep_od.wastewater_structure SET detail_geometry_geometry = NULL WHERE fk_main_wastewater_node IS NULL funktioniert bei mir.

ponceta commented 3 years ago

@urskaufmann Does this solve your problem? Or do we need some graphical tool?

urskaufmann commented 3 years ago

Yes, if there is a simply WHERE definition and if I am a database admin. No, if I am a qgep-user. It should be possible to delete all detail_geometries of a selection in the layer od_wastewater_structure. And to make a selection, there should be more attributes (also from related tables as manhole-function, specialstructure-function) in the attribute table, which means, it should be a view.