QI-Software / deadmatterpublic

Public facing repository for Dead Matter, this is used for community submitted issues and for providing visibility on the current build / CI status.
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ZOMBIES - Zombies spawn near you and are leashed on you #169

Open Jager26 opened 4 months ago

Jager26 commented 4 months ago

Zombies still just seem like they spawn around you and leash directly to you even though you don't move or are crouch walking. just a bad design tbh because then your just constantly running from zombies and can never just chill and make a base or anything. you can tell this by just spawning in and not moving and you'll be swarmed in like 1-2 minutes by zombies. it's just not fun with that style of spawning and "AI"


Jager26 commented 4 months ago

I literally just made the character and was crouch walking everywhere. Included in the whole video if you watch it. I was literally Tabbed out from like 5:30 until I seen the zombie come through at like 6:47.