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Printer Upload not possible, if system proxy set #36

Closed Quantomax closed 5 months ago

Quantomax commented 5 months ago


QIDIslicer on IP (Win64, V1,0.7 and V1.1.1) X-Smart3 on IP

Environment Vars: HTTPS_PROXY=http://proxy.localnet:3128/ HTTP_PROXY=http://proxy.localnet:3128/ NO_PROXY=localhost,,,

Windows Settings (no proxy for local addresses as above) proxy.localnet resolves to, can't reach 192.168.1.x normally.


Sending data to printer over LAN will fail, as proxy is used regardless of no_proxy settings. If I change firewall rules, so the then proxy can reach printer "Test" will work and finds printer. If I upload data to printer data will be send to proxy-ip instead of to printer via proxy and fails (http error 503)

QIDITECH commented 5 months ago

Changing the rules for sending data is difficult, but you can upload and print files with fluidd.

Quantomax commented 5 months ago

The problem seems to be related to some lib, that reads environment-vars case sensitive and matches only exact IPs.

Solution is a lowercase "no_proxy" environment var which contains the (fixed) ip of the printer, in my case "". DNS-Names and subnets will not work.