QIDISlicer gets your 3D printing easier and faster.
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Qidislicer 1.1.4 menu item not showing / weird #67

Closed GXMV1978 closed 4 weeks ago

GXMV1978 commented 4 weeks ago

Near the calibration tab that's non fonctionning for me (issue #66 ), there is an hidden tab that you can see at mouse over. If you click it, one set of brackets appear, if you click again, 2 sets of brackets, click again and 3 sets, and so on and so forth. mouser-over

QIDITECH commented 4 weeks ago

Please close ‘Set settings tabs as menu items’. The calibration does not yet support this setting. QQ截图20240604094902

GXMV1978 commented 4 weeks ago

Thanks a lot have a great day