dcmqi (DICOM for Quantitative Imaging) is a free, open source C++ library for conversion between imaging research formats and the standard DICOM representation for image analysis results
I am trying to use the itkimage2segimage to convert a nifti segmentation into a SEG DICOM object.
I loaded a DICOM MRI series to ITK snap, created a segmentation and saved it ( binary label segmentation) into the nifti format.
./bin/itkimage2segimage --inputImageList /home/data/test_dicom/nifti_seg/test_nifti-segmentation.nii.gz --inputDICOMDirectory /home/data/test_dicom/mri_series/ --outputDICOM /home/data/test_dicom/dcm_seg/ --inputMetadata /home/data/test_dicom/schema.json
dcmqi repository URL: git@github.com:QIICR/dcmqi.git revision: 4f66874 tag: latest-2-g4f66874
Searching recursively /home/data/test_dicom/mri_series/ for DICOM files
168 of 168 slices mapped to source DICOM images
Found 2 label(s)
Skipping label 0
Processing label 1
Total non-empty slices that will be encoded in SEG for label 1 is 168
(inclusive from 0 to 168)
Condition failed: Is a directory in ../../apps/seg/itkimage2segimage.cxx:125
Fatal error encountered.
I am trying to use the itkimage2segimage to convert a nifti segmentation into a SEG DICOM object. I loaded a DICOM MRI series to ITK snap, created a segmentation and saved it ( binary label segmentation) into the nifti format.
My dir structure is the following:
The schema is
in the above schema adding the following line didn't change the error you will see below
I used the following command:
Any ideas on what might be going wrong?
Thank you