QL-Win / QuickLook

Bring macOS “Quick Look” feature to Windows
GNU General Public License v3.0
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[feature request] Jupyter notebooks support #462

Open gibbbone opened 5 years ago

gibbbone commented 5 years ago

Brief introduction: Jupyter Notebooks provides an interactive browser-based environment for programming (in origin with Python but now with many other languages) but at the end of the day they are plain JSON files with the extension .ipynb .

They're notoriously hard to consult without running a proper Python app or converting to another format. I've recently found some projects which allow to avoid all the overhead. One of these is a Quick Look plugin for MacOS: ipynb quicklook.

I know nothing about development of plugins for QuickLook for Windows, but if converting from a MacOS plugin is easier than writing the plugin from scratch, it would be a much appreciated feature.

nicksspirit commented 4 years ago

I am also very interested in this. Is there documentation on how to build plugins for quicklook??

xupefei commented 4 years ago

I believe that this can be done by using https://github.com/kokes/nbviewer.js to render JSON to HTML and thereafter call the HtmlViewer to display the file.

The whole process will be similar to MarkdownViewer: https://github.com/QL-Win/QuickLook/blob/master/QuickLook.Plugin/QuickLook.Plugin.MarkdownViewer/Plugin.cs.

xupefei commented 4 years ago

@OdinTech3 Yes, there is: https://github.com/QL-Win/QuickLook/wiki/Integration-and-Development and https://github.com/QL-Win/QuickLook.Plugin.HelloWorld