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1 body reduced density matrix estimator produces incorrect results #1052

Open jptowns opened 6 years ago

jptowns commented 6 years ago

Collecting the "dm1b" estimator on a VMC calculation of FeO with a single determinant PBE orbital basis with no Jastrow factor should produce a diagonal density matrix. This system contains 22 electrons per spin channel, so a visualization of the 1rdm for, say, the "up" channel should show a strongly diagonal structure for the first 22 states. Yet, for QMCPACK built on 04 Sept. (#1046) it does not:


The salient input block is in the specification of the hamiltonian:

<?xml version="1.0"?>                                                                                                  
  <hamiltonian name="h0" type="generic" target="e">                                                                    
    <pairpot name="IonIon"   type="coulomb" source="i" target="i"/>                                                    
    <pairpot name="ElecElec" type="coulomb" source="e" target="e"/>                                                    
    <pairpot type="pseudo" name="PseudoPot" source="i" wavefunction="psi0" format="xml">                               
      <pseudo elementType="Fe" href="../wfns-and-pseudos/Fe.opt.xml"/>                                                 
      <pseudo elementType="O"  href="../wfns-and-pseudos/O.opt.xml"/>                                                  
    <estimator type="dm1b" name="1rdms">                                                                               
      <parameter name="basis"            >  dm_basis     </parameter>                                                  
      <parameter name="points"           >  10           </parameter>                                                  
      <parameter name="samples"          >  10           </parameter>                                                  
      <parameter name="warmup"           >  1            </parameter>                                                  
      <parameter name="timestep"         >  0.25         </parameter>                                                  

And the VMC calculation was specified by:

  <qmc method="vmc" move="pbyp" checkpoint="0">                                                                        
    <parameter name="walkers"       >       8  </parameter>                                                            
    <parameter name="timestep"      >  0.2000  </parameter>                                                            
    <parameter name="useDrift"      >      no  </parameter>                                                            
    <parameter name="steps"         >      64  </parameter>                                                            
    <parameter name="blocks"        >      64  </parameter>                                                            
    <parameter name="nonlocalmoves" >     yes  </parameter>                                                            

What is strange is that for commit #1021 the same input blocks produce something more expected:


In fact, these effects persist regardless of the presence of a Jastrow, and also persist at the DMC level. Minimal working example included.


prckent commented 6 years ago

Is the trace correct?

jptowns commented 6 years ago

Whoa! The trace is way off! The trace of the rdms for the first figure (As of commit #1046) are about 11 and 0, for up and down spin channels, respectively. Should be ~22 and ~22.

The trace for the second figure (as of commit #1021) are 21.9/21.9 respectively. This is what is expected.

jptowns commented 6 years ago

Oh, also I know that there are currently some issues regarding OMP support so all calculations were performed on a desktop workstation with multiple MPI ranks each with 1 thread.

jtkrogel commented 6 years ago

Interesting. There aren't many PR's between #1021 and #1046 that could affect this. Have you narrowed down to the culprit PR (via bisection search, etc)?

jptowns commented 6 years ago

Have not done that. Will see what I can do.

prckent commented 5 years ago

Any updates on this?

prckent commented 5 years ago

Is this fixed by #1509 or are there still problems to be resolved?

jtkrogel commented 5 years ago

I will look into this soon. I suspect it may be a real vs. complex issue. The real orbitals are not orthogonal in general and might lead to the pattern in the 1rdm seen above.

prckent commented 5 years ago

Could we measure using a distinct complex-valued orbital set or an orthogonal real-valued set even with the real build?

jtkrogel commented 5 years ago

If the set of orbitals is orthogonal within QMCPACK, then everything should work fine. I would prefer to require orthogonal orbitals within QMCPACK overall.

Paul-St-Young commented 4 years ago

Is there any update on this issue?

I still get 11 and 0 as the traces for the 1RDMs of up and down electrons using Josh's example above.

                    QMCPACK 3.9.9

       (c) Copyright 2003-  QMCPACK developers

                    Please cite:
 J. Kim et al. J. Phys. Cond. Mat. 30 195901 (2018)

  Git branch: develop
  Last git commit: 02efd65977f97fc8ca54340640701553741445de
  Last git commit date: Tue Sep 22 08:04:13 2020 -0500
prckent commented 4 years ago

I recall: (1) it is still an issue (2) there are no spin polarized 1RDM tests (statistical or deterministic) (3) no one complained enough to get this fixed sooner. I recall that we do check the trace these days. Clearly a plumbing issue.

jtkrogel commented 4 years ago

@Paul-St-Young have you tried with the complex build of QMCPACK?

jtkrogel commented 4 years ago

Also, would you report the output with <parameter name="check_overlap" > yes </parameter>?

Paul-St-Young commented 4 years ago

@jtkrogel this run was performed using complex build. The overlap matrix is within 1e-4 of being the identity. feo-dm_basis-ovlp.zip

jtkrogel commented 4 years ago

But VMC w/o a Jastrow does not yield the identity in the same channel as the selected basis?

Paul-St-Young commented 4 years ago


jtkrogel commented 4 years ago

Would you mind uploading an ascii file containing the mean of the sampled density matrices?

Paul-St-Young commented 4 years ago

Here are the means of the up and down DMs feo-mew-1rdm-dats.zip and the outputs from plot_rdm.py for a quick peak (first up then down). The down DM is certainly wrong. Feels like a memory address scramble to me. rdm_up rdm_dn

jtkrogel commented 4 years ago

Interesting. Possibly not a coincidence that the diagonal dominance of the sub-blocks fits a 2x2 pattern (i.e. falling in exactly the last half of the 30 orbitals).

I agree this looks like an indexing problem.

jtkrogel commented 4 years ago

Do you have time to bisect between #1021 and #1046?

Paul-St-Young commented 4 years ago

@jtkrogel I tested out the commit from #1021. The RDMs still look the same as above so I did not attach them.

Last git commit: 0b5eab33ec8fa981d44fc51fcb7652fc289d6a4c
Last git commit date: Tue Aug 21 09:34:14 2018 -0400
Last git commit subject: Merge pull request #1021 from markdewing/cusp_structure

I did find that the problem goes away if the evaluator is switched from "loop" to "matrix". I guess maybe default it to "matrix" and remove the "loop" evaluator? 1021_matrix.zip

rdm_up rdm_dn

Paul-St-Young commented 4 years ago

In DensityMatrix1B.cpp::evaluate_loop, int ij = nindex + s * basis_size2; is inside the ns loop. This looks suspicious.

Paul-St-Young commented 4 years ago

NVM, moving int ij = nindex + s * basis_size2; outside creates seg. faults... Is the "loop" evaluator worth fixing?

jtkrogel commented 4 years ago

If loop is still the default, it should be switched to matrix. Loop is the original implementation, and matrix is much more efficient (it's what I've always used).

In light of future ports (i.e. gpu/offload compatibility) perhaps not taking the full matrix approach, I think loop should remain, but an abort added noting the current bug. We can make the decision later if fixing the loop implementation makes sense.

Thanks for determining the difference.

aannabe commented 2 years ago

Sharing some results to isolate the problem. Using recent builds #4060, 8-atom Si supercell with 16-up + 16-down electrons, the following is the trace summary for various dm1b parameters:

evaluator   integrator      WaveFunc      Trace_Up
matrix      uniform         Slater        8.001(2)
matrix      uniform_grid    Slater        7.99998(1)
matrix      density         Slater        15.995(9)
loop        uniform         Slater        7.999(2)
loop        uniform_grid    Slater        7.99999(3)
loop        density         Slater        15.999(9)

matrix      density         Slater-Jast   15.71(1)

Correct Value:                            16

Basis: 32 PBE  orbitals

Both loop and matrix evaluator traces are correct for only the density integrator. Others produce only half of the electron number. Below are the visualizations for matrix evaluator using various integrators:

matrix with uniform: matrix_uniform

matrix with uniform_grid: matrix_grid

matrix with density: matrix_density

Including Jastrow introduces the "smearing" of the diagonal as expected. matrix with density and Jastrows: matrix_density_J123

Therefore, the density integrator seems to be working correctly at the moment. The uniform and uniform_grid 1RDMs look different even though their traces are the same.

Runs: si_bulk.zip

jtkrogel commented 2 years ago

What is printed when you run with check_overlap on?

aannabe commented 2 years ago

Here is the plot of the overlap matrix. It's mostly diagonal, but there are off-diagonal terms as large as 0.6. These are PBE orbitals.
