QMSS-G5063-2022 / Group_AB_Covid_Vaccination

🚀Real-time Global Vaccination Tracker
2 stars 0 forks source link

Final Submission of Dataviz project #2

Open ashizhou opened 2 years ago

ashizhou commented 2 years ago

@QMSS-G5063-2022/teaching_team SHA: bb0e778c61e7e6114852362d083a03721440a2e9 Link to deployed shiny app: https://ashizhou.shinyapps.io/vaccination_tracker/ Link to presentation video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1UJTbEJQBgnzkw4zgZgKDIse_qgbpDcvN/view?usp=sharing

binnynaik30 commented 2 years ago

Hi Group AB, You have got an Overall Grade of A- Here is some feedback on your project: The visualizations are clean and intuitive. However: 1) Some interactive plots do not allow easy exploration. 2) 'How fast are countries vaccinating' plot seems to have too much information and becomes very confusing to interpret the clustered lines for specific/multiple continents. 3) The video presentation is engaging and effective to deliver the inferred results.