QMSS-G5063-2022 / Group_A_COVID-19_insights

QMSS G5063 - Data Visualization (Spring 2022) - Group A (COVID-19 insights)
2 stars 1 forks source link

Final Submission of DV end of semester project #2

Open tobykylaw opened 2 years ago

tobykylaw commented 2 years ago

@QMSS-G5063-2022/teaching_team SHA: 02b9c92

During the app design stage we were not made aware of the computation limit for shiny apps, therefore loading some of the geospatial visualizations will cause the app to crash. We would prefer that the marking of this assignment be based on a locally run version, which works as intended: please feel free to clone the repo and follow the instructions on README.md. Thank you!

Link to deployed shiny app: https://tobykylaw.shinyapps.io/Group_A_COVID-19_insights/ Link to presentation video: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1qYHouPkVQekBr220wVu3xFk_wpJQHg1U/view?usp=sharing

JonathanReeve commented 2 years ago

Hi Group A,

Thanks for all your hard work on this final project! You got an A. Here are some comments: