QMSS-G5063-2022 / Group_X_Cinema

An interactive dashboard that visualizes movie facts
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still proposal submission #2

Open supertrashpanda opened 2 years ago

supertrashpanda commented 2 years ago

Project Proposal.pdf

JonathanReeve commented 2 years ago

Some interesting ideas here. I'd suggest narrowing your focus a little, because movies-in-general is so incredibly broad of a topic. Choosing just one or two of your data sets and/or analysis ideas would be a good place to start.

There are some movie data sets out there which align both IMDB and RottenTomatoes ratings, which I think is interesting. For instance, that would allow you to ask questions like:

You could also look at things like: what movies don't "translate well," that is, what movies are loved in one country and disliked in another? You might be able to find this by looking at information about the reviewers in IMDB.

Personally, I've always been interested in movie titles which are hard to translate: which movies are known by lots of other names, in lots of other languages? What movie titles are translated very differently?

If you're going to analyze movie dialogue, that's a good angle, and I'd suggest focusing entirely on that, if you choose to. That would open up lots of interesting questions, like: