Many timezone abbreviations are shared by several timezones.
An example being CST:
Central Standard Time
China Standard Time
Cuba Standard Time
The extension should come with a good default for each instance of this.
(It may be possible to detect if the user is in the non-default timezone and select their timezone instead)
And there should be a UI for selecting a preference. (Which would be used by default)
It may be a good idea to provide converted times using all the offsets in the tooltip, on hover.
Many timezone abbreviations are shared by several timezones.
An example being CST:
The extension should come with a good default for each instance of this. (It may be possible to detect if the user is in the non-default timezone and select their timezone instead) And there should be a UI for selecting a preference. (Which would be used by default) It may be a good idea to provide converted times using all the offsets in the tooltip, on hover.