QOSGroup / litewallet

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Restructuring for QOS chain access #35

Open ewagmig opened 5 years ago

ewagmig commented 5 years ago

From next phase on, lite wallet will be fully supporting QOS chain on latest version and so on.

ewagmig commented 5 years ago

This part is under the develop branch for functions isolation.

ewagmig commented 5 years ago

43 PR for this part

ewagmig commented 5 years ago

QOS chain need some enhancement on the business including staking, governance and so on. Refer to the qoscli for some implementations examples:

[vagrant@vagrant-192-168-1-223 pre2000]$ ./qoscli query -h
query(alias `q`) subcommands.

  qoscli query [command]

  query, q

Available Commands:
  delegator-income      Query distribution delegator income info
  community-fee-pool    Query community fee pool
  validators            Query all validators info
  validator-miss-vote   Query validator miss vote info in the nearest voting window
  delegation            Query delegation info
  delegations           Query all delegations made by one delegator
  delegations-to        Query all delegations made to one validator
  unbondings            Query all unbonding delegations by delegator
  redelegations         Query all redelegations by delegator
  proposals             Query proposals with optional filters
  votes                 Query votes on a proposal
  deposits              Query deposits on a proposal
  tally                 Get the tally of a proposal vote
  total-inflation       Query total inflation QOS amount, both in genesis and inflation phrases
  total-applied         Query total applied QOS amount, both in genesis and inflation phrases