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Error while trying to create s3 bucket #89

Closed Phani-Thulabhandula closed 3 years ago

Phani-Thulabhandula commented 4 years ago

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ramjagadeeshkumar commented 4 years ago

Please check IAM user permissions

srmanikanta commented 4 years ago

please provide the access key and secret key and region name in provider or just set an environment variable. example for provider

provider "aws" {
  region     = "us-west-2"
  access_key = "my-access-key"
  secret_key = "my-secret-key"

example for environment variables

export AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="anaccesskey"
export AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY="asecretkey"
export AWS_DEFAULT_REGION="us-west-2"

note: provide your access key, secret key and region.

Phani-Thulabhandula commented 4 years ago

Im trying to give environment variables. In class we are taught to give them like this in run time. $env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID="." like wise the other two. and in provider.tf provider "aws" { }

and we are following this method.

srmanikanta commented 4 years ago

please check your environment variables once. are you set environment variables permanently or not? please check,the error is related to your aws credentials.