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unable to join worker node in Kubernetes #1012

Open ramanjiusa opened 3 years ago

ramanjiusa commented 3 years ago

Hi Team,

while joining the worker node, I am getting the below error, and please help me.


root@k8sn1:~# kubeadm join --token qvz7oa.8ppgbi0u4h2vjp4g \

--discovery-token-ca-cert-hash sha256:a0b4344a6aa6fa2728bc918f91f7e4f1eebcceda3ba76be3874a2da68870549c

[preflight] Running pre-flight checks [WARNING IsDockerSystemdCheck]: detected "cgroupfs" as the Docker cgroup driver. The recommended driver is "systemd". Please follow the guide at https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/cri/ [WARNING SystemVerification]: this Docker version is not on the list of validated versions: 20.10.5. Latest validated version: 19.03 [preflight] Reading configuration from the cluster... [preflight] FYI: You can look at this config file with 'kubectl -n kube-system get cm kubeadm-config -o yaml' [kubelet-start] Writing kubelet configuration to file "/var/lib/kubelet/config.yaml" [kubelet-start] Writing kubelet environment file with flags to file "/var/lib/kubelet/kubeadm-flags.env" [kubelet-start] Starting the kubelet [kubelet-start] Waiting for the kubelet to perform the TLS Bootstrap... [kubelet-check] Initial timeout of 40s passed. [kubelet-check] It seems like the kubelet isn't running or healthy. [kubelet-check] The HTTP call equal to 'curl -sSL http://localhost:10248/healthz' failed with error: Get "http://localhost:10248/healthz": dial tcp connect: connection refused. [kubelet-check] It seems like the kubelet isn't running or healthy. [kubelet-check] The HTTP call equal to 'curl -sSL http://localhost:10248/healthz' failed with error: Get "http://localhost:10248/healthz": dial tcp connect: connection refused. [kubelet-check] It seems like the kubelet isn't running or healthy. [kubelet-check] The HTTP call equal to 'curl -sSL http://localhost:10248/healthz' failed with error: Get "http://localhost:10248/healthz": dial tcp connect: connection refused. [kubelet-check] It seems like the kubelet isn't running or healthy. [kubelet-check] The HTTP call equal to 'curl -sSL http://localhost:10248/healthz' failed with error: Get "http://localhost:10248/healthz": dial tcp connect: connection refused

chandrashekar1994 commented 3 years ago

even I got same error

aim2devops commented 3 years ago

My issue resolved.

I could see a Firewall issue and fixed by opening all the ports.