QUT-Digital-Observatory / coordination-network-toolkit

A small command line tool and set of functions for studying coordination networks in Twitter and other social media data.
MIT License
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Proposal: Two new network types. #30

Open SamHames opened 2 years ago

SamHames commented 2 years ago

Writing these down for our future selves @timothyjgraham

  1. Co-temporal-hashtag network, which is not to be confused with the other type of co-hashtag network. As we've seen people coordinate (loosely and otherwise) to get hashtags trending. This suggests that posting a hashtag (regardless of the rest of the message) is a potential point of coordination that could be made clear through the toolkit.
  2. Co-posting network - creating edges when any two accounts make any post in the same period of time. I'm not sure how useful this would be directly, but it could be a useful building block for other things. However, if two accounts always post together, even if there is no coordination by other measures then I think that's potentially interesting.
SamHames commented 2 years ago

Number 2 is in #35