QUT-Digital-Observatory / coordination-network-toolkit

A small command line tool and set of functions for studying coordination networks in Twitter and other social media data.
MIT License
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Output shared tweets between profiles? #45

Open havardl opened 2 years ago

havardl commented 2 years ago

Apologies if this has been covered in your documentation and I have missed it. Is there a function to output the specific tweets from each profile which lead them to being tied to other profiles, by the six different coordination network functions?

If not, this would be quite helpful when wanting to investigate what kind of links, tweets and text which was common for two or more profiles in the network.

SamHames commented 2 years ago

We were partially thinking about that in #33 - though I think in that we were thinking more as a sample rather than the complete list.

It would probably be useful to have both - though I have to doublecheck whether the filesizes are still managable if we're embedding full lists of tweets into edges.

havardl commented 2 years ago

The file sizes will probably be too big if it's incorporated in the edges. I was actually thinking about having a separate export (eg. .csv file) which could be a optional configuration after/while computing the networks.

Is the full list of tweets accessible in the current code base?

SamHames commented 2 years ago

Sorry for the long delay - I've just moved jobs + will be handing the bulk of the work on this over to someone else soon (expect a bit more development activity :)

To answer your question, that isn't currently available in the codebase, there was an early decision to get to aggregates as quickly as possible to keep things fast.

Probably the fastest way to start to add this would be a small extension at the library layer that calculates the tweets coordinating between specific nodes on demand. @timothyjgraham - maybe this could be a good first feature once the new person is on board?