QUT-Digital-Observatory / coordination-network-toolkit

A small command line tool and set of functions for studying coordination networks in Twitter and other social media data.
MIT License
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R version of the coordination network toolkit? #54

Open mariadelmarq opened 1 year ago

mariadelmarq commented 1 year ago

Hi team,

This looks like a really interesting toolkit, but we have not been able to use it much as we are primarily R users. Is there any possibility of porting the toolbox into R?

We ended up using Jaccard similarity and time-of-day posting to identify an Indonesian-language Twitter disinformation campaign posting pro-government materials on Indonesian governance in Papua (https://misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/a-pro-government-disinformation-campaign-on-indonesian-papua/). Interestingly, the campaign does not involve retweets, or other common signatures of coordinated activity, but rather hashtag flooding by seemingly independent actors. Would love to chat more if you have any ideas :)

timothyjgraham commented 1 year ago

Hi Maria,

Thank you for getting in contact and congratulations on your publication! I will read this with much interest.

My email address is Timothy [dot] Graham {at} qut [dot] edu [dot] au if you’d like to chat further about the methodology – I would certainly be interested to discuss ideas as that is indeed an interesting disinformation tactic.

We are currently porting the toolbox into R – please stay tuned.



From: Maria del Mar Quiroga @.> Date: Wednesday, February 8, 2023 at 1:45 PM To: QUT-Digital-Observatory/coordination-network-toolkit @.> Cc: Subscribed @.***> Subject: [QUT-Digital-Observatory/coordination-network-toolkit] R version of the coordination network toolkit? (Issue #54)

Hi team,

This looks like a really interesting toolkit, but we have not been able to use it much as we are primarily R users. Is there any possibility of porting the toolbox into R?

We ended up using Jaccard similarity and time-of-day posting to identify an Indonesian-language Twitter disinformation campaign posting pro-government materials on Indonesian governance in Papua (https://misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/a-pro-government-disinformation-campaign-on-indonesian-papua/https://urldefense.com/v3/__https:/misinforeview.hks.harvard.edu/article/a-pro-government-disinformation-campaign-on-indonesian-papua/__;!!NVzLfOphnbDXSw!Aih3nUQpSVn_6rJcKXD2Uf1S4gTKwgpK4xEEN0IszjBqFZaKv787_CeS8YvkKDZAb3arrfMXYeko3AiR9nHG1C15-e2T8MZJ$). Interestingly, the campaign does not involve retweets, or other common signatures of coordinated activity, but rather hashtag flooding by seemingly independent actors. Would love to chat more if you have any ideas :)

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