Try to address some of the reduce/reduce and shift/reduce conflicts present in the grammar. Generate bison output to enable the state to be more easily visualised
bison --verbose grammar.y
Will produce grammar.output to show unused/useless tokens, nonterminals but more imp the automaton state transitions - so currently the shift reduce conflicts can visualise the states which have conflicts
State 51 conflicts: 4 reduce/reduce
State 60 conflicts: 4 reduce/reduce
State 110 conflicts: 2 reduce/reduce
Sample grammar.output in branch anthony or generate yourself - added to .gitignore
Try to address some of the reduce/reduce and shift/reduce conflicts present in the grammar. Generate bison output to enable the state to be more easily visualised bison --verbose grammar.y
Will produce grammar.output to show unused/useless tokens, nonterminals but more imp the automaton state transitions - so currently the shift reduce conflicts can visualise the states which have conflicts e.g.
Sample grammar.output in branch anthony or generate yourself - added to .gitignore