QUT-Motorsport / QUTMS_Driverless

Welcome to the QUTMS Driverless team repository, used to develop perception, planning and control pipelines in ROS2 for a driverless FSAE racecar
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tools as bash scripts #313

Closed awalker47 closed 4 months ago

awalker47 commented 4 months ago

What type of PR is this? (check all applicable)

[required] Description

In qutms_cli_tools created bash files to call the python scripts (i.e. build.py) in the command line interface. Symlinks (shortcuts) were created of those bash scripts. Arguments are forwarded from bash to python.

[required] Documentation


Notion Doc: Driverless Team/Projects/Creating CLI Shortcut Scripts: Executing Python Files with Bash

[optional] Usability concerns or breaking changes?

please note: local python imports - do not work with colcon anymore (you must use the symmlinks/shortcuts)

Ensure Colorama is installed by pip colorama in WSL.