QVPR / Patch-NetVLAD

Code for the CVPR2021 paper "Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition"
MIT License
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Incorrect Aachen Day-Night result #46

Closed HeartbreakSurvivor closed 2 years ago

HeartbreakSurvivor commented 2 years ago

Hi, I tried to use your pretrained pittsburgh_WPCA4096 model to test on Aachen Day-Night dataset, but got totally incorrect result. here is my complete process.

  1. generate Aachen_db_path.txt and Aachen_query_path.txt

  2. run the feature_extract.py for db and query images use following two commands.

    python feature_extract.py \
    --config_path patchnetvlad/configs/speed.ini \
    --dataset_file_path=Aachen_db_path.txt \
    --output_features_dir patchnetvlad/output_features/aachen_index

python feature_extract.py \ --config_path patchnetvlad/configs/speed.ini \ --dataset_file_path=Aachen_query_path.txt \ --output_features_dir patchnetvlad/output_features/aachen_query

  3. run the 'feture_match.py' for feature matching without providing ground_truth_path

python feature_match.py \ --config_path patchnetvlad/configs/speed.ini \ --query_file_path=Aachen_query_path.txt \ --index_file_path=Aachen_db_path.txt \ --query_input_features_dir patchnetvlad/output_features/aachen_query \ --index_input_features_dir patchnetvlad/output_features/aachen_index \ --result_save_folder patchnetvlad/results/aachen_subset

  3. then process `PatchNetVLAD_predictions.txt`, for each query image it output top 100 reference images. I just used the pose of top1 reference image as the estimated pose of each query image and post the result to [benchmark](https://www.visuallocalization.net/), but got totally wrong result. here is the result:


  I want to know what's wrong with my steps and why it outputs such unacceptable results. Is the model version that I used is wrong? Or have you test your models on Aachen dataset, if you did, could you please provide the result ?
Tobias-Fischer commented 2 years ago

@mingu6 - I remember you wrote the original Aachen script that we used. Any hints?

HeartbreakSurvivor commented 2 years ago

Hi, I have solved this problem, thank you for your reply.

Tobias-Fischer commented 2 years ago

Could you please let us know how you solved it?

HeartbreakSurvivor commented 2 years ago

the result file PatchNetvlad_predictions.txt is in Kapture Format, it split query and db images by ,, but I didn't notice it, so the file I submit to benchmark websit is incorrect. just like this:

dusk/rear/1424450493097851.jpg, 0.759246 -0.627745 0.105474 0.135487 418.51807066856844 -58.480848029973274 330.23423009472407

So I got totally wrong result which contains all zeros, it seems that if your submit file's format is incorrect, it will output all zeros, just a tips I learned from this issues.