QVPR / Patch-NetVLAD

Code for the CVPR2021 paper "Patch-NetVLAD: Multi-Scale Fusion of Locally-Global Descriptors for Place Recognition"
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How to arrange the mapillary dataset when training the code #70

Closed bestwo01 closed 1 year ago

bestwo01 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Professor. I am very interested in patch-netvlad code that you posted on github. I want to train the code by myself, but there are some problems that I hope you can help me. So, when I use the command as follows, there is an error: unrecognized arguments: dataset_root(the root directory name of mapillary dataset). python train.py \ --config_path patchnetvlad/configs/train.ini \ --cache_path=/path/to/your/desired/cache/folder \ --save_path=/path/to/your/desired/checkpoint/save/folder \ --dataset_root_dir=/path/to/your/mapillary/dataset

The mapillary dataset contains those files, and I just downloaded the msls_images_vol_6 which contains, test and train_val, two folders. I arranged it as follows. Should I put all the pictures under the dataset_root directory or just arrange as follows: image

arrange dataset

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago


Re folder structure: it should be a flat structure, i.e. $dataset_root_dir/test etc.

Re the error unrecognized arguments: dataset_root: The correct argument is called dataset_root_dir.

Feel free to reopen if you have any more questions :).

Best, Tobi

bestwo01 commented 1 year ago

Hi, Professor. Thanks for your replying. I arrange the dataset as follows: 0a693dc23426871431d1f1b6eee0c43 I run the code using a command like this, but it still shows unrecognized argument: dataset_root_dir fbe6f458472d674f26b11b499a20f7c

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

Can you copy+paste the exact command that you use, please?

bestwo01 commented 1 year ago

I used this command: python train.py --config_path patchnetvlad/configs/train.ini --cache_path cache --save_path checkpoint --dataset_root_dir dataset_root_dir

cache and checkpoint are folders that I created

Tobias-Fischer commented 1 year ago

Apologies but I cannot replicate your issue. In the screenshot above, you may have forgotten the -- ahead of dataset_root_dir, and a space between checkpoint and -- causing the problem. If I run python train.py --config_path patchnetvlad/configs/train.ini --cache_path cache --save_path checkpoint --dataset_root_dir dataset_root_dir everything works as intended.

bestwo01 commented 1 year ago

Thank you very much, there is a space causing the problem.