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Review Of The Drop Message Documentation #9

Closed ghost closed 9 years ago

ghost commented 10 years ago

Hi @Gottox and @thechauffeur! And also the rest!

Can you review this document. Is that a solution we can live with it

CU k-c13

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago

Here is my review.

zuckschwerdt commented 10 years ago

re id/sender/signature: it's common practice to attach a signature object with the fields "signer" (i.e. sender key id), "digest", "signed" (i.e. the signature itself).

"id" in the context of sender. This would be meaningful to the sender only and most likely module specific (e.g. chat threads, ping replys). Is there a reason not to put this into the scope of modules?

re module/type: as you already said, there should be one key ("module" or maybe "type") to route the message to the module and then the module can define it's own "subtype"s.

re crypto: crypto is like that, complex. What specifically is weird here?

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago
zuckschwerdt commented 10 years ago

a signature is always composed of a digest value and an actual signature value. With the fingerprint that's 3 (tightly) related fields.

"encrypting a message with a public key scheme" is usually done that way. The actual public key encryption can carry only a limited amount of data.

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago
thechauffeur commented 10 years ago

Review addition:

zuckschwerdt commented 10 years ago

ok, I see. It's a step by step guide to use with the currently implemented functions. I don't know if there is a utility function to do this. It should look like PGP if it's done right:) Someone should read RFC4880 and see if we can comply. But it's not needed.

Gottox commented 10 years ago seems complex - and maybe weird - to me. @Gottox I need your opinion on this.

This is a common pattern to encrypt data that way. The only thing I would chang is that I leave the compression out for now. This can be optionally added in a later protocol version.

zuckschwerdt commented 10 years ago

Maximizing entropy before encryption would be recommended here. These messages are much too predictable and we need to care about kown-plaintext attacks. There is some argument that streaming protocols shouldn't use compression as to not reveal the entropy. I'd say that does not apply here.

We should also care about a more coarse padding (i.e. the message length should not indicate the message type.)

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago

@zuckschwerdt true and we should keep that in mind and note it somewhere (maybe a new issue?).

Nevertheless I strongly recommend to focus on getting Qabel to work - and therefore (only) document the things needed to get it to work - before enhancing specific processes to be more secure.

The thing is... we can make Qabel better and better - in theory. In praxis we do not have Qabel and we will never have (before running out of resources) if we do not focus really hard at the moment. This is me generally speaking about Qabel - not only about the referenced comment.

Gottox commented 10 years ago

Most crypto libraries use the combination of an asymmetric cipher with a symmetric one. This is called sealing. This does not need to be done by hand. Nevertheless it is slightly more complex than pure asymmetric encryption, but I would definitely recommend to use sealing.

With the focus of "not living in ponyland anymore" I recommend to drop compression for now, it adds a layer of indirection and obfuscation. We need to set our focus from "doing it right the first time" to "make it easier for the developer". I'm with 100% @thechauffeur in this point.

JSON a defined set of first bytes (0-9, [, {, -, t, f, n and whitespaces), so using a non-valid json-character as magic byte in later protocol specs is feasible.

Gottox commented 10 years ago

Key 'time_stamp'

This key describes the date of generation of a message.

The format of the timestamp is not described. I suspect, that Unix timestamp was planned. (A little sidenote: This should be long instead of int in the actual program.)

But apart from these stated issues, it looks fine to me.

ghost commented 10 years ago

@thechauffeur There are two ways to it. One way is: Put everything what a module need in the module part and the module have to do everything. Every module have to write its class to parse a boolean, when you ask the other side a question. The other way: Help the module writer that he easily write code. This is my way. And i defined it on that way. When you look into that side maybe you will understand what I mean:

And for the other point we will discuss that on Monday.

The other thinks

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago

@k-c13 if you think we have to discus some stuff on Monday it's OK for me but could you work in the things which do not need more discussion?

ghost commented 10 years ago

I did the last changes discuss today. Please check it

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago

Sorry that it took so long @k-c13.

First my review of your patch set.

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago

@k-c13 you forgot... e.g.

I'm sure other things are missing, too. Can you please work in all the mentioned things? This is way too time consuming to review all this again and again because more than half of the things are not updated.

ghost commented 10 years ago

Key 'sender': I follow the discussion. This id is the id which the sender sends to you when it try to contact you the first time. At the first time, you do not know nothing from him. It is easier to communicate if you send an identifier. And I discuss this point with you and you do not say to me that this is unimportant. So I let it inside.

By the way. You can define the thinks as you believe. I do not longer update this page.

I move that page from a different place because of renaming of thinks an work in progress. And add only my stuff which I have done and do not check the complete text which is also written by other. And when this documents so fast in change so some link can be change or one removed the complete response stuff. I only review it. But I believe that I am the only one which read all pages in the wiki.

When I believe that one key make the life for me as developer easier and you think I do not need it that is not the point to say to me: What about reading the discussion ...

aBothe commented 10 years ago

If the id was a string..could it be possible to store an insanely large String (i.e. base64-encoded file or so) as an ID as well? Shouldn't the identifiers' sizes be limited? If we're discussing about having UUID-formatted strings, then why not limit the string length to e.g. 36 chars or so despite it may not possible for json to limit strings?

thechauffeur commented 10 years ago

It's sad that we will loose time this way but I think we have to discuss this on Monday, again.

thechauffeur commented 9 years ago

I will update the page.

thechauffeur commented 9 years ago

I updated the page to reflect this review and to account for the stuff that came up the last two weeks.

thechauffeur commented 9 years ago

Please review this.

Oh and can someone else define how to sign drop messages? A word on using the key ID as the sender id would also be nice.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

"The key id of the PGP key of sender." - Until now we always spoke about public/private keys without mentioning a specific asymmetric encryption standard (PGP).

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

I would recommend to sign using Encrypt-then-MAC as defined in ISO/IEC 19772:2009 or by utilizing AES-GCM. AES-GCM would allow authenticated encryption in one single operation. The key derived from the private key could be used to for this purpose.

Every (real) cryptographic library should support the AES-GCM mode.

thechauffeur commented 9 years ago

I removed the term PGP.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

I added a proposal for authenticated encryption using AES-GCM, but I might also change this to another EtM method.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

I changed the previous signature approach. This PGP like signing better suits our use case. We might have to decide which hash function should be used (or at least be recommended). If someone could tell me where to find the source of the sequence diagrams, I would update these.

thechauffeur commented 9 years ago

The sequence diagrams need an update anyway. I would recommend re-doing them with The sources for all pictures etc. get committed into the wiki repository as well (just clone Which leads me to another hint: Your changes in the wiki text can have commit messages - please use them.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

@thechauffeur Seems like the sources for the sequence diagrams are missing. I can recreate them with PlantUML and add the signing procedure.

thechauffeur commented 9 years ago

Go ahead @L-Henke. The reason I didn't redone them yet is that I like to use the corresponding participants / entities from the class diagram - and it's not finished yet.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

Then I'll just copy the current diagrams (and add signing). Changing it later shouldn't be too much work.

thechauffeur commented 9 years ago


thechauffeur commented 9 years ago

I like the new diagrams. I also like the scheme used to encrypt and sign the message.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

I included the updated sequence diagrams. The sources are also in the images folder. Currently the diagrams show the sequences if messages has to be signed. Modeling the sequence of signed and unsigned messages would make the diagram confusing. If we need to model this, I would show this in a secondary diagram (at least for receiving messages)

cburkert commented 9 years ago

I put terminology and the message format description into beautiful tables.

cburkert commented 9 years ago

I think the sentence "The digest is signed with the senders private key." needs improvement. Signing with asymmetric crypto usually means hashing and encryption of the hash digest with the private key. I mean: hashing is part of "signing" and not prior to that.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

@cburkert Nope. The hash is not encrypted since you want to verify the integrity of the data before decrypting it.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

At least normally you should use Encrypt then MAC, since it is the most secure way. And this means that you are hashing the ciphertext. And in our case signing it afterwards.

Edit: PGP was a bad example, since it seems to use MAC then Encrypt, which is outdated.

cburkert commented 9 years ago

@L-Henke Sorry, but the example you referenced exactly confirms my explanation. A signature in asymmetric crypto essentially depends on encrypting the hash with the private key. Otherwise you can not ensure the authenticity.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

@cburkert I see... This is just a terminology misunderstanding. Of course the hash value is encrypted, but it is usually not called encrypted in this context, but signed. I especially wrote that just the digest is signed, because it is not necessary to just sign a digest. If you want to, you could also sign the whole message, which would be highly unpractical.

I thought you wanted to have the hash value encrypted with the payload data, as in MtE schemes.

cburkert commented 9 years ago

I meant that the term "signing" in the asymmetric crypto world means hashing and encrypting. So I makes no sense to say the hash is signed, since signing implies hashing. That's all I wanted.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

It is done this way by every asymmetric signing algorithm, but technically it would also work without a hash. Of course no one would ever do this.

But I wouldn't remove the term, because the section describes how we sign in detail. "A digest of the final encrypted message payload including the encrypted AES key, IV, and the ciphertext is created via a hash function like SHA1 or SHA512. The digest is signed with the senders private key."

In a more abstract description I would also write "The messaged is signed...", but not in this more detailed context.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

I replaced "signed" with "encrypted" because it really is the better term in this sentence.

cburkert commented 9 years ago

@L-Henke Okay. But I'm afraid: I'm now confused whether the unencrypted hash is necessary at all. Wouldn't the following suffice? [256 byte encrypted AES key][16 bytes AES IV][n bytes AES ciphertext][signature (encrypted hash)].

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

An unencrypted should never be necessary. The data should look like you wrote (or as I wrote in, but without the additional header).

cburkert commented 9 years ago

Good. Then we've to correct the "signature" section because, there you can read "Digest and signature are appended to the previously created encrypted message"

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

Actually this has been already corrected directly after I change the word encryption... "The signature is appended to the previously created encrypted message, forming the authenticated encrypted message."

I don't know where my head was when I wrote that. I meant it like in the comment posted above.

cburkert commented 9 years ago

Reading made me think, that we should sign the plaintext rather than the ciphertext, because otherwise Mallory could replace signatures.

L-Henke commented 9 years ago

I think the attack stated in the paper doesn't affect us, since our drop messages always contain the sender id. If this sender id doesn't match the signing person, you can detect that the signature has been altered.