Open wiz21b opened 3 years ago
Please note that entropy is defined either for a real number (a probability) or a vector (list of probabilities).
Right now I use this function: if( sum(element(\x, x),1,dimension(\x)) = 0, 0, \x * log2(\x))
. But it's not satisfactory because it must take a vector as a parameter. That prevents me to write H(0.5)
for example. Therefore, I tried :
if( isNumber(\x),
if( x = 0, 0, \x*log2(\x)),
if( sum(element(\x, x),1,dimension(\x)) = 0, 0, \x * log2(\x)))
but this doesn't work as it doesn't evaluate the 'if' inside the 'if'...
Ah, I had to use sub functions to declare the inner if's. Now it works.
So I have : if( isNumber(\x), \1, \2)
with \1 = if( \x = 0, 0, \x*log2(\x))
and \2 = if( sum(element(\x, x),1,dimension(\x)) = 0, 0, \x * log2(\x))
I leave my previous comments so you see what was my first idea to make the function and how I fixed it. Please not I didn't find anything about sub functions in the user manual...
Now I have found a small reference to sub functions in the documentation, but it's far from clear :-) I checked the API too but it was a too hard to grasp.
You missed the backslash on the second x. The following works as expected.
if( isNumber(\x),
if( \x = 0, 0, \x*log2(\x)),
if( sum(element(\x, x),1,dimension(\x)) = 0, 0, \x * log2(\x)))
Note that \x * log2(\x)
, when \x is a vector, is ambiguous and will not work in the upcoming version (use dot(\x, log2(\x))
to retain the behaviour of the current version).
Here is an alternative version:
if([total(\x)=0, isNumber(\x)], [0, \x*log2(\x)], dot(\x, log2(\x)))
Even better if you specify the parameter as an vector (you will not need to use brackets for the vector, and a single value will work as expected):
if(total(\x)=0, 0, dot(\x, log2(\x)))
Ooooh! thx for all the answers! I've tried your suggestion to use the "dot" function, it doesn't work (see below, execution of qalc) (3.18, downloaded today from your website).
> info dot
No function, variable, unit, or prefix with specified name exist.
> dot( vector(1,2), vector(3,4) )
error: "o" is not a valid variable/function/unit.
day × (0 × tonne) × [[1, 2], [3, 4]] = [[0 t·d, 0 t·d], [0 t·d, 0 t·d]]
(I understand dot() is the dot product; i.e. element-wise multiplication).
Sorry. The dot() will be available in version 3.19 (tomorrow). Replace with multiplication operator for older versions (a bit unfortunate).
Could you, if it does make sense, add the entropy function to libqalculate ? And add its "Information theory" to the list of type of function ? right now, I define a function myself but I thought it's sufficiently fundamental to be added to the core of the library. The only question is which unit to return : bits or shannon.