$ snap info qalculate
name: qalculate
summary: The ultimate desktop calculator
publisher: Hanna Knutsson (h-k)
store-url: https://snapcraft.io/qalculate
contact: http://qalculate.github.io/contact.html
license: GPL-2.0+
description: |
Qalculate! is a multi-purpose cross-platform desktop calculator. It is simple
to use but provides power and versatility normally reserved for complicated
math packages, as well as useful tools for everyday needs (such as currency
conversion and percent calculation). Features include a large library of
customizable functions, unit calculations and conversion, physical constants,
symbolic calculations (including integrals and equations), arbitrary precision,
uncertainty propagation, interval arithmetic, plotting, and a user-friendly
- qalculate.gnuplot
- qalculate.gtk
- qalculate.qalc
- qalculate
snap-id: 1BkDjDrjC9s8xMTREr6Zne8sHseSz6t8
tracking: latest/stable
refresh-date: today at 20:52 PDT
latest/stable: 3.10.0 2020-05-11 (242) 9MB -
latest/candidate: 3.10.0 2020-05-11 (242) 9MB -
latest/beta: 3.10.0 2020-05-11 (242) 9MB -
latest/edge: 3.10.0 2020-05-11 (242) 9MB -
installed: 3.10.0 (242) 9MB -
$ qalculate
Failed to register: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.AccessDenied: Connection ":1.2290" is not allowed to own the service "io.github.Qalculate" due to AppArmor policy
I have fixed the issue (the dbus name has changed), but the new snap package is awaiting manual review (because of the dbus name change). Meanwhile I have reverted the snap package to version 3.9.0a.
Ubuntu 18.04 LTS, Qalculate! installed via snap.