Qantas94Heavy / autopilot-pp

Adds separate autopilot features and improved control to the default autopilot in GeoFS, a free-to-play online flight simulator.
GNU General Public License v3.0
13 stars 6 forks source link

A380 pitch issue and overspeed #24

Open CharlieDelta28 opened 1 year ago

CharlieDelta28 commented 1 year ago

Hello @Qantas94Heavy,

I found Two major and one minor issue

First issue is probably know, the A380 cannot maintain altitude (above FL300/30 000 ft), and generally struggles maintaining a stable V/S or altitude the higher it goes.

I am not certain that this problem is really on your end but you may be able to do something about it (?)

Overspeed cause the aircrafts to nosedive out of control. This isn't a problem most of the time, but when the wind changes, it can lead aircrafts to nosedive as they where very briefly in overspeed... Loosing 10 hour of flight this way is quite frustrating ! Could you either disable this/give the option to disable it or put a timer (overspeed would have to be maintained for say 10 second before nosediving the plane into the ground ?

Another, more minor issue, is the pitch reset when engaging the AP. instead of adjusting the current pitch, the AP first goes to neutral before adjusting, leading aircrafts to level or go down slightly. Minor issue though, as the two previous ones are somewhat game braking.

Thank you for your work and dedication for this great add-on,


Charlie Delta

Qantas94Heavy commented 1 year ago

Have confirmed the pitch issue. The other issues I am still investigating.

CharlieDelta28 commented 1 year ago

thanks for looking into it ! If you need any extra info to confirm the other issues, just ask !

Gamer1029384756 commented 3 months ago

I think I know the problem. It happened to me too. I think it's because the trim gets set to maximum pitch down. Try pressing the 'Delete' button immediately after it happens.