Qarik-Group / bootstrap-kubernetes-demos

Bootstrap Cloud Foundry, Knative, Kpack and other systems onto Kubernetes
32 stars 7 forks source link

Prep4pullreq #20

Closed immae1 closed 4 years ago

immae1 commented 4 years ago

Hi Dr.Nic, i created a new script for AKS Cluster generation instead of GCP. Maybe someone help this :)

drnic commented 4 years ago

I've cherry picked many of your commits into a new branch, and will continue working on it to get it working for me.

drnic commented 4 years ago

BTW, do you know that you've got an invalid email address in your git commits?

[azure b64af29] changed variables to defaults
 Author: Immanuel Haag <>
drnic commented 4 years ago

I've removed the following, and putting it here so we remember to write something similar in the README for Azure:

set -eu
echo ' make sure you have "az" "kubectl" "jq" "cf" "curl" and "sed" installed! '
echo ' The azure user need the following directory role "Application Developer" or "Application Administrator" '
echo ' use az login and pick the wanted sub. '
echo ' _____________________________________________________________________________________________'
drnic commented 4 years ago

When I first tried the script, it failed with:

    "id": "/subscriptions/e8e34674-2344-40ed-92ce-d9c02ffffc08/providers/Microsoft.Compute",
    "namespace": "Microsoft.Compute",
    "id": "/subscriptions/e8e34674-2344-40ed-92ce-d9c02ffffc08/providers/Microsoft.ContainerService",
    "namespace": "Microsoft.ContainerService",
    "id": "/subscriptions/e8e34674-2344-40ed-92ce-d9c02ffffc08/providers/Microsoft.Network",
    "namespace": "Microsoft.Network",
    "id": "/subscriptions/e8e34674-2344-40ed-92ce-d9c02ffffc08/providers/Microsoft.Storage",
    "namespace": "Microsoft.Storage",
Use existing SSH public key file: /Users/drnic/.ssh/
Creating service principal
Finished service principal creation[##################################]  100.0000%Finished service principal creation
Created a service principal: 298ef7b5-2686-415a-8740-3ccae44b5fca
Deployment failed. Correlation ID: 4a4fe825-10e9-4732-af9e-1df300c71f10. Reconcile standard load balancer failed. Details: standardLoadBalancerReconciler retry failed: Code="MissingSubscriptionRegistration" Message="The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.Network'. See for how to register subscriptions." Details=[{"code":"MissingSubscriptionRegistration","message":"The subscription is not registered to use namespace 'Microsoft.Network'. See for how to register subscriptions.","target":"Microsoft.Network"}].
drnic commented 4 years ago

Following the instructions I ran:

$ az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Network
Registering is still on-going. You can monitor using 'az provider show -n Microsoft.Network'
$ az provider show -n Microsoft.Network
<lots of json>

Now when I run bootstrap-kubernetes-demo up --azure it looks happier:

Creating AKS cluster...
 - Running ..
drnic commented 4 years ago


The cluster creation process can take up to 20 minutes.

OMG. Are they making them manually?

drnic commented 4 years ago

I'm going to close this PR, in lieu of #21

I'd happily continue discussing the comments made above.