Qarik-Group / bootstrap-kubernetes-demos

Bootstrap Cloud Foundry, Knative, Kpack and other systems onto Kubernetes
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ytt problems #45

Open DanStadlerNewRelic opened 3 years ago

DanStadlerNewRelic commented 3 years ago

hi, I am running into problems with the directions at the point of using ytt.

I reverted to using Dockerhub instead of GCloud repo, to get past the problems when parsing app-registry.yaml.

However now I am blocked on setting up istio_static_ip. When I had that value in static-ip.yaml, I was getting this:

ytt: Error: Overlaying data values (in following order: values/00-values.yml, values/10-images.yml, values/20-secrets-config-values.yml, values/30-experimental-values.yml, cf-values.yml, static-ip.yml): Document on line static-ip.yml:2: Map item (key 'istio_static_ip') on line static-ip.yml:3: Expected number of matched nodes to be 1, but was 0

Then I tried just adding istio_static_ip directly to cf-values.yml at the end, but now I am getting:

ytt: Error: Overlaying data values (in following order: values/00-values.yml, values/10-images.yml, values/20-secrets-config-values.yml, values/30-experimental-values.yml, cf-values.yml): Document on line cf-values.yml:2: Map item (key 'istio_static_ip') on line cf-values.yml:345: Expected number of matched nodes to be 1, but was 0

any ideas helpful

DanStadlerNewRelic commented 3 years ago

I was able to get past this by hard-coding the load balancer directive into cf-values.yml.