QbdqmQ / Enlightenment

Added many new settings. Currently only English and Chinese are supported. There will be plenty of DLC to play later.
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Enlightenment EN improvement and correction suggestions 英語改進及改良建議專帖 #2

Open GeneralWadaling opened 1 month ago

GeneralWadaling commented 1 month ago

看了一看,這模組的英文有不少地方有需要改進和修整。 畢竟這模組是作者投入了不少心血的作品,相信改進一下可以幫助更多玩家對這個模組提出有用反饋之餘也會改善英語玩家的體驗。

I've taken a look into the EN phrases and names in this mod, and I found there are lots of room for improvement and correction. This mod is what the author put much of his/her efforts on, afterall. If we can help with improving the EN "translation" of this mod, I believe not only it will improve experience of players when playing this mod, it also encourages more constructive feedbacks.

GeneralWadaling commented 1 month ago


GeneralWadaling commented 1 month ago

Water "Harness" -> Water "Raider" 或 Water "Harasser" 水上偷襲單位,我個人而言倒是更偏向用Raider命名,這個看您怎麼想了 然後騷擾的正確串字是Harass,不是Harness(利用/駕馭)

Airship "Harness" > Airship "Raider" 或 Airship "Harasser" 與上同理,這個也看您怎麼想了

GeneralWadaling commented 1 month ago


QbdqmQ commented 1 month ago


QbdqmQ commented 1 month ago



  • 太空戰艦系列 Improved Battleship -> Advanced Battleship 或 Space Battleship Improved Destroyer -> Advanced Destroyer或 Space Destroyer Improved Cruiser -> Advanced Cruiser 或 Space Cruiser Improved Corvette -> Advanced Corvette 或 Space Frigate 原本的英語直譯簡直讓人看不出這是 先 進 的 太空單位
  • 步兵 Musketeer -> Musketman 英文或者說你這原檔怎麼用了法國火槍俠而不是原裝火槍兵 (導致模組内的圖也是法國火槍 Exoskeletal Infantry -> Exoskeleton Infantry 外骨骼 Exoskeleton 是裝備名稱,把它搞成形容詞形式就怪怪的 Digitization Force -> Digitized Force 詞式錯誤
  • 騎兵系 Humility Knight -> 謙卑騎士我倒是真的聽也沒聽說過,譯不出來 (大噓 Tracked Armored -> Tracked Armor Vehicle 是機翻的味道 (惱 Wheeled Armored -> Armored Car 早期裝甲車大多都是輪式,反正叫Car的大多都是輪式的 是機翻的味道 (惱 Machine Gun Armored -> Armored Gun Carriage 既然2射程它就:tm:不是機槍了 倒是一戰時期出現過最原始的機械化自行火炮,不過也就是一台火炮運載車 (確信 Medium Tank -> Mechanized Howitzer 或 Armored Howitzer 怎麼中坦射程能比重坦長,而且是打遠程的?還有這圖標是突擊炮吧 Particle Beam Mitter -> Particle Beam Emitter (一頭大霧) Mitter 是啥?
  • 偉人 Talent -> Genius 天才的英語通常還是Genius吧...?
  • 城市設計師 1-6 City Designer -> City Architect 用“建築師” (Architect) 命名更符合其在遊戲的表現
GeneralWadaling commented 1 month ago
