Qeole / Enlight

Firefox add-on providing syntax highlighting for raw code, based on the highlight.js project.
Mozilla Public License 2.0
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Using window.location to check file extension? #11

Closed jlmakes closed 5 years ago

jlmakes commented 5 years ago

Cool extension!

I think the ”automatic” feature is awesome, but the language auto-detection isn’t reliable. For example, JavaScript is often not detected correctly due to its multi-line comment syntax.

To improve things, what if we inspected window.location and parsed the file extension?

There’s no need to handle all languages, just the 5–10 most popular. We could map their file extensions to Highlight.js language aliases. Common file types would be guaranteed better syntax highlighting.

Qeole commented 5 years ago

Thanks, I'm glad you like the add-on!

Yeah, we can maybe do something like this, although I don't think I can use it to “improve“ the auto-detect feature from hilight.js. So that would just be a replacement, in the sense that all files having a recognised extension would only be colored according to that extension, with no regard at all about the syntax in the file. Then as you say, files with no extension supported would fall back to the current method. Does that correspond to what you have in mind?

If we implement that, I would probably add a user preference to be able to switch between detection based on file syntax VS. based on extension.

For the record, auto-detection also works way better when there are fewer available possibilities, but that would mean removing support for most unusual languages, I cannot recompile the lib to use only a subeest of languages when attempting to detect the one in use :/.

jlmakes commented 5 years ago

I appreciate the prompt response! And what you’ve described sounds great.

Qeole commented 5 years ago

Fixed, let me know if there are languages that you use a lot and are missing from the list of supported extensions.

I haven't pushed to AMO yet, maybe later tonight or tomorrow otherwise.

jlmakes commented 5 years ago

Working great, thanks for running with the idea!