QiXuanWang / LearningFromTheBest

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Fourier Neural Operator for Parametric Partial Differential Equations By: Zongyi Li, et,all. #50

Open QiXuanWang opened 3 years ago

QiXuanWang commented 3 years ago

Link: https://arxiv.org/pdf/2010.08895.pdf Code: https://github.com/zongyi-li/fourier_neural_operator Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IaS72aHrJKE

Published on Oct.20,2020 I think the major innovation is that the algorithm used FFT to reduce infinite dimension to finite dimension since IFFT could remove those high frequency components without much accuracy loss. But I'm not so sure. And what's the input actually? According to youtube video, it's vt curve of different time step, or the image for Navier-Stokes equation.

Problem: Many problems in science and engineering involve solving complex partial differential equation (PDE) systems repeatedly for different values of some parameters. Examples arise in molecular dynamics, micro-mechanics, and turbulent flows. Often such systems requires fine discretization in order to capture the phenomenon being modeled. As a consequence, traditional finite element methods (FEM) and finite difference methods (FDM) are slow and sometimes inefficient. Machine learning methods hold the key to revolutionizing many scientific disciplines by providing fast solvers that approximate traditional ones. However, classical neural networks map between finite-dimensional spaces and can therefore only learn solutions tied to a specific discretization. This is often an insurmountable limitation for practical applications and therefore the development of mesh-invariant neural networks is required.

Innovation: We introduce the Fourier neural operator, a novel deep learning architecture able to learn mappings between infinite-dimensional spaces of functions; the integral operator is instantiated through a linear transformation in the Fourier domain as shown in Figure 1 (a).

We observe that the Fourier neural operator captures global interactions through convolution with low frequency functions and returns high-frequency modes by composition with an activation function, allowing it to approximate functions with slow Fourier mode decay (Section 5). Furthermore, local neural networks fix the periodic boundary which comes from the inverse Fourier transform and allows the method to approximate function with any boundary conditions

Our methodology learns a mapping between two infinite dimensional spaces from a finite collection of observed input-output pairs