Qiangong2 / MTT-compatibility-list

This is an index of Moore Threads' game performance / MTT S80游戏性能指数
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Fortnite(堡垒之夜) #7

Open Qiangong2 opened 1 year ago

Qiangong2 commented 1 year ago

What is the name of the game? / 什么是游戏的名称?


What is the average FPS? / 该游戏的平均帧数是多少?

28-30 fps in the menus in performance mode, 0-5 fps in-game

Which DirectX Version is the game using? / 该游戏使用的是什么DirectX版本?

Which GPU was tested? / 测试的是哪块显卡?

Which Driver version was tested? / 测试的是哪个驱动版本?


What are the specs of your computer? / 你的电脑的规格是什么?

CPU: i7-13700 RAM: 32GB DDR4

(Optional) Which game launcher are you running the game from? / 你从哪个游戏启动器运行游戏?

Epic Games Launcher

Qiangong2 commented 1 year ago

It's not even worth doing a full benchmark. Without performance mode, the menus hover between 15 and 20 fps, going in-game freezes the system. With performance mode, you can technically play the game as long as you look straight into the sky the entire match.

The frame rate tanks when you use an emote in the lobby.

Qiangong2 commented 1 year ago

In 211.30, frame rate is about 35-45 fps in the menus. Dies in game like before.

Qiangong2 commented 4 months ago

When DX11 support was added, Fortnite became playable. sees framerates around 70-90 fps in game, 1080p medium